Hi everyone! how are you?
i'm here to presents the updates and fixes of my project:

Wait...What's A shock of dimension?
Is a flight game based in "Nights into dreams"(Sega Saturn) and "Spyro Ripto's Rage"[Speedway levels only](PSX), with a colorful world to fly and find the best way to get out!
Ok, and the devlog...
In the first devlog, i made a little gameplay from the tech demo to demonstrate de new Flight control, a fix for the "GAME JAM VERSION", which had a lot of problems in the controls (serious,i[developer] have so much problems to play) , is now FIXED,yey! but i don't published yet.
check this out!
Updates from this :
- Flight control enhanced.
- POWER UP'S system
- Orbs system
That's it,thanks for watching!coming soon, i'm going to bring more updates.