edit: old demo changes have been noted here, post is no longer up to date. However if you notice a bug, this is a good place to share it :)
2018-05-13 Demo:
- plenty of minor bugs corrected
- new interface
- process optimisations
- 3 new levels (giving a sneak peak of dwellers dimension)
- achievements (lots can be unlocked in demo)
- new music in world 2
- small bots added in overworlds to improve sense of progression
- and more...
2018-02-25 Demo:
- corrected a bug with cinematics (it could open a level in some instances)
- temporary key numpad9 enabled to go back to first room if player already has saved games from a previous version
- some name changes and text corrections
- minor level adjustments
2018-02-10 Demo:
- corrected completion times for last and secret cave levels
- changed music track for cave and outdoors
- comestic changes (new blocs added in a few levels to replace plain stone)
- optimisation of breakable stone, some sprites added
2017-05-03 Demo:
- cosmetic additions to the 3 outdoor levels available
2017-04-17 Demo:
- can now skip cinematics
- in last world 1 level, secret is now apparent (scanner will be needed in final release)
2017-04-16 Demo:
- added simulation feature to make tweaking orders interesting:
- unlocked in level 6
- world map upgrade icon
- available in give order phase in left upper corner
- speed x2, no collision with foes but elevators and moving objects accelerated as well
- in level 1, replaced all tutorial text by flashing boxes