I watched the same 3 blue 1 brown series mentioned in the FAQ last year and have been obsessed ever since. Love this app, so simple and perfect for experimentation. Thanks for putting it together!
Been playing around with this for a few days now. I want to build something that doesn't just hop in the right direction. I can let the thing run for days if I have to, I just want to see a really satisfying late-generation emergence. I understand there's going to be some limitations with this kind of a sim, but I'm willing to sacrifice a fair bit of processing time in the name of science! Lol
My goal is to make one design that accels at all 4 challenges without being a couple of sticks connected with one muscle. And I'd prefer it to have as little intentional form as possible. I've settled down on a design I called a daddy longlegs. A small square core with 4 squiggly legs. Total 12 muscles. It's just strong enough it can bounce around but floppy enough to catch the stairs after letting it fall to it's death a few hundred times. It's basically the spider with 4 legs that are basically 2-muscle springs.
I'm having some success, enough that it seems promising, but after a while, I'm really not sure if it's getting better or not. So...
1) have you ever seen something appear *almost* dormant for a while and eventually had a breakthrough, or does that generally mean it's done learning?
2) let's say it's done learning, what factors can potentially get past that? Even if I don't mind letting it run overnight for a week.
So far, I've:
Increased population size to 1000, batches of 25.
Set initial period to 2 seconds until most bots were jumping in the right direction, then increased by a couple of seconds, etc.
I've kept the best bots most of the time, but when one bit ends up totally separate from the pack, I "prune" it.
I saw a ton of progress up to generation 50, but left it overnight and basically saw no progress at all. Re-did it without keeping the best not and it maybe looks like it's standing on its feet more consistently, it's not getting more than a couple of hops and nothing hops past the initial time period at all (ie, no sustained movement, just better initial conditions)
Is it possible it will actually walk at some point? Would increasing brain size help at all? Currently it's 43 nodes: 11/10/10/13.
I'm not too too worried about overfitting a little bit because I want to put them all in one video so you can see it evolve differently in each situation. So if I just means 10 times more computational time but has a chance to eventually converge, I'm down for it.
Or is it just not gonna happen?