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[Talk with Me] ~The always open AMA~ Sticky

A topic by Timothi Ellim created May 01, 2017 Views: 382 Replies: 1
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Hello everyone~

My name is Timothi Ellim and I am an Indie Game Developer from Singapore that is currently studying Interactive Media and Game Design at USC in Los Angeles as an International Student! While Game Design is my main focus, I am also a budding Fiction Author and Visual Artist, and if you would like, you can visit my website - to learn a little more.

TILTOFF is my first publicly available ITCH.IO game, so I do hope you enjoy the experience.

For this AMA thread, its purpose is to help me connect with you as I find that the best part of game dev is getting to know the community in person!

So, ask me about college life, video games, anime, dogs, movies, and just about anything you can think about~

Deleted 5 years ago

Hello beann! For the developer challenge, the prize is a mystery gift but is usually associated with Steam. This could mean a gift card or a game or maybe both? (: