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[Developer Highscore Challenge] ~ Can you beat 134?~ Sticky

A topic by Timothi Ellim created May 01, 2017 Views: 466 Replies: 2
Viewing posts 1 to 3
Developer (3 edits)

Challenge The Creator! The current Developer Highscore is 134. If you can beat that score and post a screenshot of it in the comments below, I will deliver an awesome gift to you! (and the top five get their profile linked below!)

Challenge Leaderboard

1) HisButtjesty - 200 Score

2) bent-n - 135 Score

3) OR could third be you?

4) Perhaps fourth is not too bad?

5) Being the fifth element is always good~

Congrats to HisButtjesty on being the first to challenge the score! (The original post was a comment, and a pic of it is below)


Hi I've only been playing a short time but it's a really enjoyable game. You did a great job at taking a simple concept and making everything about it "feel" fun.

Anyway here's me doing the absolute minimum to pass...


Hi bent-n, sorry it took so long to get back to you! I've been busy prepping for E3 and a Kickstarter launch for other projects. Thank you for tackling the developer challenge, you did a great job! To claim your prize, please send me a message at the Qgames Interactive facebook group -