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Kirna. Third season

Why do aliens abduct people? To see how they play the deadly game! · By Kirna

MacOS support

A topic by entond created Apr 30, 2020 Views: 205 Replies: 5
Viewing posts 1 to 6

Any plans for MacOS support? (also when it can be installed via itch client)?


Client for MacOS and Linux will be available in 2-3 hours.


Client for MacOS added.

Thank you! app installed and running fine. Having some minor issues, like sound plays everytime Iopen menu and close it again. Also when I picked up the box with E button, but can't drop it corretly as it start spinning and seems like i need to press Q to drop it, why not E again?


I think it's time to update the version of the games for Mac OS and Linux, I added a lot of changes there. New versions will be available within 2-3 hours.


While two buttons are used when receiving and releasing the item, I will correct this inconvenience later.