Here are two images in 4 colors with most aprox color in Pico8 to adapt to the Palette #0 and #1 for the CGAJam.
Colors for pico 8 for both cga palettes:
I also think that
the dark palette versions should be mentioned on the main page.
Since this post might be a bit confusing here are the color ids for the palettes:
palette 0 (light): (0, 8, 11, 10) palette 0 (dark): (0, 2, 3, 4) palette 1 (light): (0, 14, 12, 7) palette 1 (dark): (0, 2, 13, 6) OR palette 1 (light): (0, 14, 11, 7) palette 1 (dark): (0, 2, 3, 6)
IMPORTANT: it seems like the dark palette versions are not allowed. they are allowed ...
That picture is extremely confusing. Colorblind pico noobs: there is no way to get actual CGA colors, just use these Pico8 approximations
0 light: (0, 8, 11, 10)
0 dark: (0, 2, 3, 4)
1 light: (0, 14, 12, 7) or (0, 14, 15, 7)
1 dark: (0, 2, 13, 6) or (0, 2, 3, 6)
Edit: I made a thing as I poke at Pico8 to see each of the 6 potential palettes:
So one last Pico-8 noob color question. In Pico-8 color 0 (black) is default transparent... Can we use the palt to set some other color to transperent in order to use black. Example if I wanted to use 1 dark (0,2,13,6) can I use (0,2,13,6) as the colors I display and color 8 (red) as the transparency since it would never be displayed? "palt(0,false) palt(8, true) "
See images below.