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Upcoming Furry dating sim - Cliche

A topic by KatelynKodes created May 01, 2020 Views: 1,247 Replies: 4
Viewing posts 1 to 5

I'm sure some of you have seen a topic similar to this a long while ago, the thread was autoarchived because of my inactivity of posting, which is fair, I do tend to keep quiet for long periods of time. To catch some new people who may be reading this up to speed, hi, I'm Gushi. I'm an independednt game dev who is currently working on a furry visual novel called Cliche, read the introduction to see what the game is going to be about then move to the updates. For those of you who have seen my previous posts that were archived, skip to the updates.


     Cliche (May or may not be renamed) will be a furry visual novel/dating sim. The game will have one major update after it's first release. In the first release of the game there will be a total of four romanceable characters, I am planning to keep the update after the release a surprise. The game will focus on potraying common tropes in western media, particularly high school dramas, and then breaking these tropes down bit by bit to show the character behind the trope as the player interacts with the characters. Each character will have their own routes and stories that may throw one for quite the loop, the game will not be NSFW and will be around a teen rating. The demo will go through the first school week (not counting weekends) of gameplay, in the full game there will be about three weeks in total and will end on the friday of the last week.

Update 5/1/20

     So, as stated before my previous posts about the game have been archived, this is because I didn't post for a really long time, this is understandable because I tend to be relatively quiet concerning future plans. This is because I end up overshooting predictions of the completion of said plans and think I'm able to get them done sooner than I actually am. To avoid doing this I will not adress when future plans will be completed until I am absolutely sure they are close to completion. Anyways, here are the things that I have worked on for the past few months:

  • Updated character sprite sheets and imported them into the game.
  • Finished all of the dialouge/choices for day one
  • Nearing completion of day one (should be done either tomorrow or sometime this week that I know for sure)
  • Implemented a functional day system that will count what day and week the player is on and show it to them

That is all of the udates for now, I will complete day one then make an update when day two is being started which should not take long.  In the meantime however, take these two screenshots of the first few seconds of the game (Characters depicted are not romancable):

Hello, This update will be relatively small since I only have really one thing to report and nothing else. No screenshots will be included  this update because most of the gameplay contains imagery of the characters who I want to reveal later on. 

Update 5/5/20

    The first day has been completed! I will start day 2 either today or tomorrow, but most likely later today.  I will not say when Day 2 will be completed because I'm not sure myself, it will depend on the pace of my life. After Day 2's completion romancable characters will finally be revealed (I swear this time I know i've been teasing it) in an update after the completion update of Day 2. 

Overall, I don't know what else to include in this update since it's relatively small and I only want to report that Day 2 is finished. 

Update 6/11/20

The second day of Cliche is complete! Apologies for the error in my previous post, I'm  almost to day 3 meaning that the game has three more in-game days left to be finished before the demo will be released. I plan to start production of Day 3 by either Sunday or Monday while I'm working on character reveal stuff.

In the meantime however, character reveals will finally be shown, I'm not going to say when as per usual because I don't want to over-estimate things but if not Saturday then maybe Tuesday, I don't plan to spend as much time on these as I just want to whip these guys up and show more screenshots of actual gameplay, I just want to give you guys enough of an introduction to at least know who you'll be working with.

There are going to be four romancable characters in total in the first release of the game, however two more will be added later on down the line in an update. I will post an update showing off the characters and an update long afterwards whenever day 3 is complete, until then keep a lookout.

Update 6/16/20

It's finally time! I finished the character reveal sheets and started to get working on the transition to day 3 of the game (I'm still trying to balance stats and all that stuff, more technical things than dialouge at the moment) Without further ado! Here are your romancable options in he game

Cliche's offical character lineup

First off there is Justin Tokien, an intelligent labrador who's interested in all things nerdy. He's a large fan of comic books as well as scientific related feilds. Unlike the typical "nerd" archetype he's actually very open and talkative, he enjoys nerding out to anyone who will lend an ear and is very passionate about the things he likes. However, he doesn't deal well with confrontation or conflict and will back down easily, making him seem relatively week compared to his peers. He is often bullied by he bully of the school and is too scared to stand up for himself. 

The next character in line is Collin Quinn, a quiet man who isn't quite an open book. Many people see him as chill or relaxed but there are many people accusing him of many different things as he doesn't seem to stick to a particular friend group. Many people see him as bland and not having much personality but some others claim he gives off a mysterious aura of some sort. Many people have talked to him, but they feel as if the only thing they've managed to get out of him is small talk.

Ronnie Parks, Ronnie is the student in the school who seems to have it all. He's charming, he's rich, he's popular and he's an athlete on the sports team. The only thing this man seems to lack is brains, which he makes up for personality, or so he's been told. He's ambitious and extroverted, cuts right to the chase without beating around the bush. The only thing people fault him for is that he's friends with the school bully. Many people wonder why as he seems so nice and caring but some aren't suprised. He can come off as arrogant and sometimes skips morning classes so some assume he may not be as good as he seems. 

Last but not least we have Jerome Walker, the bad apple of this school. Many people dislike him. fear him even, he's often the one starting fights in the halls or in trouble for one reason or another. However, all of his actions seem unprovoked and unreasonable. It's clear to many people in the school that he has issues going on but the question remains as to what those issues are. He keeps his walls high and not many get through, although there are some students who managed to get somewhat close to him saying that although he's hard to befriend it is most definitely worth it in the end.

And that's all for the character reveals, I'm working on starting the development of Day 3 as hard as I can, I just need to balance some stats out is all. Expect a few screenshots in the upcoming updates.

Update 8/5/20:

Hello to those of you who may be following the development of Cliche,  I've come to make more of a minor update as although things are progressing they are not progressing as quickly as I would like them to. So, I just wanted to make this update to let others know what is currently going on as well as ask a  question where some feedback would be helpful.

So, I am currently on the third in-game day of development, the demo is planned to stop on in-game day 5. As of right now I'm writing the last two sections of dialogue for both the lunchroom scene and the night scene, after I write the dialogue I'll retype it into the program, once that's done all I have to do is place character sprites and emotes then it's onto the next. I'm currently experiencing a bit of writers block so it's proving to be a little difficult but I'm sure I'll be able to come up with something within the next couple of weeks.

As for my question, when I post screenshots what exactly would you guys like to see? I know that screenshots are important to development but at the moment all of the work that I'm doing consists of dialogue as this is a visual novel,  if some of you could give me ideas on what to post for screenshot progress I'd be glad to listen. I understand showing screenshots when something new is added or for CG's, but at this point in time dialogue is the most important to me.