As an aspiring game developer and avid consumer of fiction, I invite you to come into the world of From CHIBI and solve the mystery surrounding yourself and your 'mission'.
In true text-based adventure fashion, you make decisions and gain information exclusively from text input. But unlike the typical adventure where the whole story is narrated to you, this is not a story book. It has been designed to simulate the experience all programmers have with computer terminals in real life. The lore, secrets, ending explanations are all hidden in various places in the game, and you will find yourself getting exceedingly familiar with handling terminal-style input as you keep going at it.
From CHIBI has been beta-tested to make sure that it is not impossible to reach the final ending, and various adjustments have been made to improve the game experience and guide the player to the understanding at the end. I wouldn't want to spoil the mystery to any of you, so come and experience it for yourself!