Edit: artist has been found.
The story takes place on a continent called Mistall. The player is half human and half magical-creature, and in this world, that is incredibly rare. Why? Humans are extinct. The player can choose which magical creature they are descended from (elf, fae, demon, cat-person, etc.), and that determines what set of abilities they have.
The war has just ended, and the city-state is holding a festival and fighting tournament in celebration. The player can recruit a variety of adventurers (up to 3 NPCs) for the upcoming tournament.
This is a SFW dating sim / rpg in a fantasy setting. It is GxB, BxG, GxG, BxB and has non-binary options as well. This is an unpaid project, but we are considering making it "pay what you want." Any profit will be split among team members.
Our team:
me: programmer and GUI/item/general artist
Enora: background artist
Galaxy Fox: character artist and colorist
Imprexia: writer/editor and artist
Candyness: writer
Matt: writer
Clera: writer
What we have done so far:
We have the lore hashed out, and we have a functional game with placeholders. We have implemented features such as inventory, map-to-map movement, and NPC recruitment. We are currently producing art and writing assets. We also meet every week in a discord text channel for status updates and collaboration.
What we are looking for:
We are looking for an artist to help with character art and CGs.
This is an illustration of one of the characters (drawn by Galaxy Fox):

If you're interested in joining us, feel free to add me on Discord at Evered#0012.