Hi there! I am LOVING this program so far (and bonus, Wine seems to work with the 32bit OpenGL version!). I was playing around with the sample maps, and I saw some really nice features on the Necromancer lair that I can't seem to replicate, namely short walls and columns.
Here I am hovering the eyedropper above the half-wall, and it displays a little wall icon, so I'm guessing it's its own category.
When I select it, nothing to the left is highlighted, though there is the option to pick colors. They autoconnect too, so it seems like this isn't just a tiled icon. I'm probably missing something silly, mind pointing it out?
There's also these little columns--I was going to create a column icon myself, but if they're already in the program, that'd be way better. I can't figure out how to create them, though, Maybe something fancy with the eraser, given that they're in the middle of a tile? I can make little blotches by placing a wall unconnected, but they don't look this nice, more like rough circles.
Thanks so much anyone who can help, and thank you deepnight for making this fantastic tool!