Please feel free to leave feedback here, as well as any suggestions you'd like to see in future versions! If possible, can you also include the version you played, thank you!
Swordman's fight against the clones! · By
Just had a play around with V1.3, it's a really satisfying to play theme. Aesthetically I love the grain effect which really strengthens it's presentation! I've got a little feedback and just a couple of bugs I encountered:
- The tutorial is explained well, although I found the animation on the text made it a little hard for me to read whilst I was actually trying to play
- I experienced some stuttering with the player character, mainly stuck running animations, as if there was a collider blocking me, but changing angle enabled me to continue
- I thought a pause menu or function could be implemented, I actually got a phone call whilst playing and couldn't pause and get a high score!
- The core gameplay loop is great and feels fluid, but perhaps for extra replayablility maybe something along the lines of points multipliers for consistent shooting? Maybe even some kind of upgrade system
- The effect on the bullets when they collide with objects is great, but sometimes I saw some would get stuck and simply disappear
- Shooting is responsive and I really enjoyed the fluidity!!
Really enjoying what you have so far, excited for the next version!
Thanks for the feedback Matt! I'll try to make the animation of the text slower and havie a gap between each sentence so there's plenty of time to read it. A pause menu would be a great idea, I hadn't even thought about that so that'll definetley be put in the next build. I hadn't noticed the bullets getting stuck so I'll double check the code and make sure they disappear just like the bullet that do collide. Glad to hear you're enjoying it!
This feedback is for V1.3 of the game! (However within the actual game itself it says V0.2 so just be careful with that)
Aaah where are the buns?! It's really interesting to see how this game has changed, I'm really liking where it's at! Being a fan of monochrome myself (how did I get here), I really enjoy how this game looks. I'm going to list a few things that I enjoy about the game and then a few things I feel could be improved upon (in my own opinion!)
What I enjoy:
Some things I think could improve the game:
I'm really excited to see how this game improves! I hope my feedback is helpful, if you want to discuss it with me just drop me a message! :-)
Thanks for the feedback Ant, it is super helpful and I know they bunnies have completely gone, it's crazy!
I can see what you mean with shooting behind the player and I have a few ways to fix that so thanks for letting me know. With the health pick ups I'll try to spawn them on enemy drops then it becomes a risk and and reward, potentially the bigger the enemy the more health they give that way it gives an element of high risk/ high reward. Enemy challenge is something that I'm trying to improve on and surprisingly I had enemies that shot at the player I got rid of them so they'll definetley be coming back, same with the enemy health, that's actually something that other people have been suggesting too. I'm so glad to see that you're enjoying the process and I can't wait to see the final product of Monoshift too!
First of all - significantly less bunnies, I do like the change in aesthetic however. Its looking great! I'm doing to copy Anton and list what I liked, and areas I think could be improved.
Overall I think it's good fun, and I'm really excited to see where you take it!
Hey! I played around with the latest version (1.5) and I gotta say, I love the game, it's a lot of fun! It's aesthetic rocks; the colors, font, and overall design feel great and look great! I loved playing your game, it was lots of fun, especially when I'd build up a group of enemies to trail and take down several enemies at once with the special felt incredibly satisfying. The enemy variety was also really nice too; like when one of the HUGE dudes showed up, my jaw dropped. I think that it would feel a bit more satisfying if the medium and large enemies took more than one hit to kill. Something that large going down in one hit was a little underwhelming.
Also, the running animation I hafta say looks fantastic. It looks and feels really natural and the way the animation slows with the change in momentum when you turn also helps to make it feel realistic. It's a little unrelated, but sometimes I did find myself getting stuck on the big, North-most rock for a moment after bumping into it. The way the rocks fade out when the camera goes into one is a nice feature as well. It would be nice as well if the direction you fired in followed your cursor rather than the way the character's facing, though. I think it'd feel more fluid for the gameplay as well as accurate overall.
Lovin' what I'm seein' though. Keep it up!