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Quest Arrest 6/4/2020

A topic by TheRetroRoomRoo created Jun 04, 2020 Views: 342
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Developer (1 edit)

I come to all of you from Texas, United States. As many of you may know we are seeing protesting over the horrible murder of George Floyd, and to remain silent is something I cannot do. This injustice should never happen in this country or any where in the world. The police do not have the right to murder people in the street. We have a problem in this country. A big problem with police brutality and it needs to stop. I recognize that my own game has police violence and, at times, it may seem like it sheds light or supports police violence, but I think it goes without being said that I do not condone any of the actions that happen in this game happening in real life. It was intended for entertainment purposes only, and I believe it should only be taken as a parody of the reality that we face here in the United States. I did not create this game with the intention of making controversy, I only wanted to make a fun game and have always had fun with police games. This statement is being made because I felt a slight bit of guilt when thinking about my game held up next to the violence that happens in real life, and then I remember I left the choice to be bad up to the player  and that might not reflect on what you would do in real life. Games are fantasy and they give us the availability to be who we are not. I hope everyone who plays my game knows where I stand and continues to enjoy my game with knowing where I personally stand. I stand with the people. I always have and always will.  I decided to postpone the physical release of this game with it being the obvious choice that the media attention should go toward the protest and I should not intrude on that in any way. I do plan to release Quest Arrest physical at a time when legislation for actual change happens in the United States. Until then you will find me screaming with the people! "No justice, No peace!".

-John Roo ( TheRetroRoomRoo)