Here it is! Making this was quite an adventure. I went a bit overboard and used the MMC5 expansion for 2 extra square channels. It would have been hard to make the more atmospheric parts without them.
I love Famistudio. In a Normal DAW I just get lost in synthesizer settings and can't finish a project. The simplicity of the NES sound chip helps me focus on just making music. I still have some issues controlling phase interference as when you play the song twice it never sounds exactly the same. Using envelopes help mitigate interference artifacts but I still get a few random glitches here and there. I would be curious playing this on a real Famicom.
The title Mental Imperialism is at least in part conceptually inspired by the first novel of Frank Herbert's Dune. Which I re-read recently. Paul Atreides is faced with a cruel destiny and seemingly impossible odds. Yet he triumphs and becomes emperor through the sheer power of his superhuman mind.