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How to?

A topic by NightHawk Gaming created Jul 17, 2020 Views: 383 Replies: 4
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How do I code?? Its my dream to learn how to code. I code on a website called scratch but thats just block coding. Link provided here - Okay but teach me how to code

Choose a programming language, and look up a tutorial for said programming language. Also understand that languages aren’t meant to be used religiously, different languages are used for different tasks.

For now, I’d suggest something really simple like Lua.

Moderator moved this topic to General Development

"Okay but teach me how to code". It doesn't work like that. Just try to make something. My first coding project was a web browser that I made in Visual Basic. I just googled "how to make web browser" and clicked on the first link. 4 years later, I'm still doing the same thing. Googling.

To NightHawk Gaming

Actually, you can try RCBasic. Although RCBasic is easy , it is interesting. 

What are you trying to do? If you want to make games, there are engines like Game Maker Studio which has its own simplified scripting language, lots of tutorials and community support. George is right though. The quickest road to learning is to take the first step and just try doing it, googling tutorials and documentation as you go.