I just got to this game because of all the other in the mega-bundle, and I have to say it's really good; however, the NPCs having a exclamation point after you talked to them is confusing, because some actually have different dialouge and other times they don't. It also would help in the library so you know you already talked to them
And that leads to the softlock I experienced, in one of the rooms in the library you can push a block that has the water element surrounding it into a frozen area; but if you decide like me to try to push it into the other direction to see if you can (which you can, even though you aren't pushing it from the ground and pushing it from the air). You can push it the other direction, and you can push it up the stone stairs, and you can block the book exit.
All in all it was because I was pushing the game but it is still pretty possible and someone may want to look into it.