The project is a Cabal style game , where you must get the hats from the enemies.. they gonna try to kill you , obviously .. but.. you must get all those hats.. you must!!
Day #2 - I have the enemy mechanic!! - so we have Cowboys , then sheriff , then the Priest and finally MEXICANS , yeah - and goes something like this -- -
First - Cowboys -- this one came from sides , stop , shoot us .. and leave.. if we take off their hats.. they go out and +points and hats.. when the hat counts goes up to , let say, 10 , the sheriff enter the arena , and this fucker came shoot us in spread along with some of his fellow cowboys.. when the sheriff hats is taken.. this one goes down on the floor.. and the priest came in and try to revive him, but.. if we take out the priest before the sheriff is up again.. the mexicans take the power and came in waves shooting at us like crazy.. so that.. its pretty much the gameplay so far.. nice , really? I have in mind cameos.. and items.. but.. this first.
Here is today`s progress!! - enemy , hat mechanic and graphics . Gif Animated
day 3 - gui small , lives , points , and.. the priest!! day 3 image!
Day 4 - title+mainmenu screen , game over screen , better gameplay , and .. have a better font ( , thanks to , for such a great work and for share it! , I am keeping the better graphics once I have everything working on!
Day 18! I have the soundtrack and the SFX ! I leave here one of the BGM -