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[Godot Programmer][Tech Artist] Looking For 2D Artists and Godot Devs For RPG Project!

A topic by TOPGamez created Aug 17, 2020 Views: 744 Replies: 8
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(5 edits)

Hello Godot Devs and Tech Artists that clicked on this topic!

Me and my group are looking for Godot Devs. Keep in mind, you will be working with other Godot Devs. So now that we have that established, here's some stuff about our project and what you need to know.

  • What is the concept so far?

Other than RPG, we haven't decided on an idea. We want everyone in our team to have some creative freedom so in a sense the concept is whatever your ideas meshed with ours becomes!

  • When does it start?

Mid September

  • When does it end?

Late 2020 - 2021

  • What do I need to do to join?

DM me on discord TØPGames#7029, comment on this post, or you can send an email to me at (though you might have to wait a day or two). Let me see something you've made! It doesn't have to be amazing, I just want to know that you can stick with something and make it to the end. If you're a Godot Dev any prototype/game works! If you're a Tech Artist, show me any work that you've done before. Also, if you've done any marketing before let us know as that is another area where we could use some people!

  • Compensation

Rev Share. It will be equal among us all unless there is an obvious reason that this shouldn't be the case.

  • Final Words

Glad to have anyone on the team as long as they are willing to stick it out with us and get something amazing made!


Hey, I can't add your discord for some reason, I'd be interested

Alright let me know your discord so I can add you!

Deleted 1 year ago
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Yeah we are set on music for now.

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Thanks! Good luck on any projects you have in the future!

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I'm Charles Toefield and  I"m an illustrator. 

