Hey everyone,
It's been almost 3 weeks since I started building grid battle system which I think is sitting around too long. I'm planning to release the basic system which we'll start with
1. Grid positioning (HIME_GridBattle.js)
2. Area of Effect targeting (HIME_GridTargetArea.js)
The positioning system will allow you to set up your battler positions on the grid. You can choose to turn off grid-display positioning, so that the battlers won't be positioned on the grid as you've seen in the tests so far. How the sprites are displayed doesn't affect the grid logic: two actors that are neighbors can be on opposite sides of the screen, but on the grid they're still neighbors and will still be affected by AoE.
I believe the AoE targeting system is the first plugin that will provide immediate tangible improvements to your battle system. Grid position is required for AoE checking.
The initial release won't include the grid-based selection plugin, because grid selection requires additional scope logic for empty tiles, which at this point isn't something that's ready yet.
I'll start with these two and then see how it's received and determine what will be released afterwards. I will continue to develop additional features and mechanics for the grid battle system, and will be conducting exclusive patron tests as usual before they are released to the public, so if you want to try new features, make sure to sign up for early access!
If you want to see if it'll be compatible with your project, grab the files from the second public test. https://www.patreon.com/posts/40206494 and install GridCore, GridBattle, and GridTargetArea
The initial release will have a bit more things for the AoE and better set up, but the basic code will be the same.