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Rebop Blasters

An overpowered platform fighter with destructible terrain and a procedurally generated jazz soundtrack. · By dean_sick

Lil'help for a lost newbie

A topic by Methatronc created Aug 31, 2020 Views: 521 Replies: 5
Viewing posts 1 to 2

Hello !

First of, I love this game : the sfx is great, feels chaotic at times when multiple cpus opponents but I like it. The graphic is simple thus effective. I did read about changing the background - last discussion of this page - with two png in the data folder but I've looked inside the assets with bundle extractor and there was multiple texture2D so if you could point me into the right direction I'd love that :)

Also for joining when using a keyboard I couldn't figure that out : I setup the keyboard configuration for player one  as I like, then player two. I choose 2 players, and then it is always the cpu, I don't know how to make it local multiplayer.

Thanks again for your time and your game :)


hey, sorry it took me so long to respond!

The filenames for the custom levels are “byo_level_fg.png” “byo_level_bg.png” make them the same size as one another and place them in the RebopBlasters_Data directory (should be in the same place as the executable).

Unfortunately, only one player can play on the keyboard at a time because of how I set up auto-joining. It should support nearly every kind of controller though

Glad you enjoyed and sorry again for the very late response

;-; sir please add 2 player keyboard


This is actually kind of tough in that it would mess with the joystick auto assign. I’ll give it a shot maybe this week, but please bear with me. On the upside it does work with nearly every controller on the market out of the box, even those weird ones reserved solely for “player 2”

Also i'm confused about grabs. Is it directed just behind you? If yes then, please update then to be aimed in where you want to throw them.


You’ve actually got a moment where you can pick the angle if you are good a direction. The default behavior does throw the opponent behind you.