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Emerald and quartz location?

A topic by arrow0980 created Sep 03, 2020 Views: 33,247 Replies: 10
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I have only found topaz so far

Where did u find topaz? 

In the red boundary at the temple you go to with the merchant go to the to where all the boulders have to drop to and go to the south side of the room you'll see stones in the water you can skip across these stones by clicking on them and youll get into the topaz room


I appreciate any help anyone can give❤️

(2 edits) (+1)

In this update, there is no emerald and quarz.

in theatre, 3 new space is reveal.

one for orc, one for wedding, one for topaz

maybe next update


To get the emerald: go to the Haunted Woods (teleport to it if possible) then where the last boulder drops, you can go behind there (to the right) to go to a new screen where you'll find the emerald

Wtf dude, I can't get it, you can tell in detail how to get there.

Btw, where quartz, tell me where is this room please 



you're at the wrong place. Go here. 

(1 edit)

Thx dude

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

I found the third quartz location. The m]Mc point to the location.