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Ravenfield (Beta 5)

Walk upon the Ravenfield with your BLUE allies! · By SteelRaven7

Being honest here, B5 is better than B21

A topic by Nineday created Sep 26, 2020 Views: 742 Replies: 2
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A yes, a wild controversial opinion appeared (or howerer that weird thingy goes)

Anyways, B5 is better than B21. In B5 I could atleast make it hardcore, debrees everywhere, explosions everywhere, many dying infront of you. A whole army insight.

With B21, the most I could do is... well... the maps are worse than the ones in B5, the gunplay feels worse, and it just lost it's old style.

The UI also just feels wrong.

You can make it identical to B5 in the new Betas

i agree , beta 5 has that block style that i like and there are too detailed and too many weapons in beta 26