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Todd Brooks-Marling || Dev Log Three || Scheduling My Work

For my upcoming game the scheduling has put itself together along with the game design I did with my team. 'Auto-Shipping Solutions' will be a game based of incremental build up with additional or changing features with each level, or weeks as we call them in-game. The current features will be as follows:

      - Week One: Consists of the player maintaining boxes on a conveyor belt, and sorting them into the right truck.

      - Week Two: In addition to that, the player is give an x-ray machine to see the boxes contents, and they'll have to stamp boxes with fragile objects in them.

      - Week Three: The player will not also be looking for contraband, and some boxes will be mislabeled (their truck won't be present). 

      - Week Four: The boxes will be harder to sort as a portion of the labelling will be missing.

      - Week Five: Finally, the items considered contraband will be changed/altered. 

 As the programmer, with these design plans in-mind it's set clear goals and milestones for me to schedule. Starting from the basics and establishing each change will allow me to have room for adding the features, and lee-way if some don't make it to the final project.

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(1 edit)

Hi Todd! I was a bit confused by this explanation. If each week is a sprint of work you're doing as the programmer, this seems like it might be a lot of work to get all these features implemented in one week each. However, if those "weeks" are each of the different levels in your game, then it makes a lot more sense to me, although I'm still confused since I'm pretty sure this devlog should be about our schedule for working on the game, and not necessarily the structure of the game. Good luck on your work, though!