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Dev Log #1 Pre-Production - Ben Courtemanche

We started pre-production with a meeting that got everyone caught up on the current state of the game and any changes. We also went over our core pillars and vision for the game. Our meeting brought up some issues such as how the aiming functions differently depending on the players input type. If the player is using kbm then there can be some inaccuracies in the aim.

As a level designer on the production, I created my general LDD that covers our pillars, vision, constraints, goals, elements, questions and diagrams. I've also continued my research on our games various themes.  I watched a documentary on the favelas and used google maps to get a better feel for the flow of movement through the streets. For the vision of my level, I wanted it to represent what the level is going to be about but also leave enough room for interpretation so that artists and other creatives that work on my level can put their own twist on the concept which is more motivating. Next for me, will be focusing on the medium level layout design. Since we're doing  open levels that can be explored with lots of agency, I've decided break up the level into recognizable areas. These areas will then be broken down into beat maps that represent roughly the player experience. Currently, I'm looking at including a garden, market, residential and combat areas. I think these areas will capture the favela community theme that I'm aiming for.

The team is on the right path. Berger has organized our tasks and goals clearly so all of us understand what we need to accomplish. The next steps as far as level design goes will be to start experimenting with our prototype to figure out what our constraints are.  For example can I have buildings at an angle or will this conflict with our 2D billboarding art style?

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