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June Update [NSFW]

Hello everyone!

Additionnal news because I was mostly silent in the past weeks. I wanted to show you guys the ennemy WIP I've been working on lately. I decided to have humanoids ennemies in the game and go on with more NSFW content overall, so this basic ennemy there is a kind of female dark elf wearing barely any clothes. I think I should go on with more nudity overall, because it's what I like to draw and animate. Of course, more ennemies will be added over time!

Additionnally, here's a gif showcasing how the climbing animation works right now. The gif does not show exactly a smooth animation, but the full frames result is quite satisfying and I'm quite happy with, so here you go:

Feel free to comment below with your thoughts. I'm getting back to work slowly but surely and I hope to have a lot to show in a pretty close future!

See ya!

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Excited for more nsfw content, though I’m not a fan of the Dark Elf’s face. The shape is off and it’s not helped by her overall emaciated appearance.

The creepy look is on purpose, but maybe I'll make her look a bit sexier, I don't really know.

Yeah I know you got two comments on something intentional, but in my defense, I really fuckin' love dark elves 
