Hey there!
Very short post to let you know that I'm still alive! I'm spending a lot of time studying anatomy and polishing my sprite set. I'm happy with the progress so far, even though I have nothing to share for now, except the pic below. I struggled a lot in designing a good looking face in a small resolution, and even more in finding a nice haircut. This is what I finished yesterday, I hope you'll like it! It will look better in a "normal" resolution.
Stay tuned, I have a lot of exciting things to share before the year ends!
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Glad to hear from you! I understand the issue faces pose when in low resolution, but you have found that sweet spot-- that balance between detail and clarity. The face is well communicated without any distracting shapes and it's details allow the mind to fill in the blanks. It stands on its own even when zoomed so far in. I'm very much looking forward to whatever you share next!
Thank you!