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My next plugin will be: "Basic Radio System"

Hello everyone, great to greet you!

We are starting the month of July... 

Wow... Half the year has already passed... Incredible how time flies, right?

Anyway, today I want to share with you that my next project will be: "Basic Radio System".

Some time ago, a user asked me if it would be possible to adapt the Music Player system to play music in the background. Since that would require quite a few modifications to the original plugin, I couldn’t fulfill that request. However, I decided to take that idea and expand on it a bit more...

How about a radio system where we try to emulate how an FM radio works in a basic way? (Yes, those things you use to listen to music when you don't have Internet haha)

Basically, the idea is simple to understand:

You will have a portable player that you can use to switch frequencies and stations, each playing different music at the same time. For example, imagine you’re listening to POP&ROCK and then you want to switch to "80s Classics"—well, now you can. The music will accompany you throughout the map.

I had a ton of complications and decisions to make while creating this plugin (which, by the way, is not finished yet, but I’ve made good progress), so that’s why there has been a delay in its release.

Here is a quick video showing its functionality (with what I have so far) so you can get an idea of how it would work:

I hope you like the idea!

Best regards! 

Let's keep in touch.

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(1 edit)

So we can make GTA in RPG Maker with this B)

It's a good idea haha