Game Tech Discussion Devlogs Page 2
If you are a developer, you have probably felt this at least once: "Holy frick! I'm a programming god!" This feeling usually comes when either A) You have spent...
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This is an overview of the audio tech and design for UDLR_Modify. SOUND TECH The basis for the sound tech in this game is a single node with the audio handler s...
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competition come up with new enemies, levels, compose music for the game or draw textures. For everything you send, if used, you will receive a reward, email: f...
Have you played Rotten Flesh? Then what are you waiting for, post your video in the comments! I love seeing your videos, feedback, criticism and reaction! Here...
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I promised a couple individuals I'd share a trick for smoothing out solving the equations for a stopped tire, long overdue. 🙏 If you're reading this after th...
A lot of my effort lands on the cutting room floor. Have you ever watched videos of a certain game, and thought "how did they do that?". This kind of research o...
How the game happened We started developing The Nameless City 3 years ago. The core idea of the game was a PSX horror aesthetic inspired by Lovecraft’s short...
Hey sorry for the late update. So we at ultimate studios have some good news and bad news. So the good news is that we have made some characters and tiles for o...
Hello everyone, Liminal Memory has brought a lot of attention and downloads without any particular source. I've already posted Windows version of the game witho...
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Been working hard on squashing bugs, but wanted to have a place you can also report anything you may run into so I can make sure it all gets fixed asap!!...
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I have completed the refactored procedural quest system for GearHead Caramel. Some of you might remember that this is the big thing I've been working on for mos...
The first release of the game, enjoy it. Any feedback or offer:
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Hi all! As part of campaigning for votes for the Playdate Community Awards 2023, I was asked if I'd ever done a write-up for the conversation and map features f...
Demi Daggers was born out of multiple ‘dead ends’: too ambitious Quake engine to really fit Pico8 constraints aborted 3d platforming game using a voxel worl...
ESPAÑOL - Se han reescrito y simplificado algunos scripts. Principalmente la lógica tras el sistema de disparo y algunas detecciones de colisiones. - Se ha me...
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Today we reveal a small secret: the characters have layers (literally). We are not talking about the ordinary layers artists usually have to render more easily...
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Game consoles of old use palettised sprites, a range of colour indexes that could be swapped out to make sprites different colours. The most famous example of t...
We are a Brother and Sister indie game developer. We had one Computer for our work. Recently we don't have a running computer after it broke down. We are trying...
this here is a stage in one of the first prototype of the game. Due to many reasons like Performance problems, the stage got scrapped All assets created for the...
Today's entry is about our thoughts and initial approaches to the drink mixing minigame in Tavern Talk. As the innkeeper of a tavern, you mix various potions fo...
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So my project is in Monogame and I'm trying to build an Entity-Component-System for it. I have a base class "Component" that each entity has an array of. Compon...
So this is niche :) (A screenshot of Bitsy running withing BlueSuburbia, in the opening sequence.) Unreal supports loading web based content using the Web Brows...
Salut a tous,,, J'ai décidé de changer de logiciel pour la création de DARKNESS GAME - THE HORDE. j'avais utiliser a l'époque Construct 3, je ne suis pas sa...
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We’ve mentioned that one of the criticisms the original Brigador frequently received is along the lines of “Cool mechs, but what else is there to do ?” If...
Over the past year, in our free time away from our main jobs, we continued to develop our project. The majority of our time and resources were dedicated to the...
Oh Unity. How revered you once were. How we praised your democratization of game development, and smiled in wonder as you opened up avenues for game developers...
You might have heard the recent news about Unity, the game engine software used to make all my games (excluding Uncleft, that was Gamemaker). It is incredibly i...
Hello everyone, What a side day for us game developers. As you know, Unity has taken a very bad decision about it's new pricing model. You already probably know...
For those of you somehow not in the loop, Unity has introduced a new so-called "Runtime Fee" that goes into effect starting in 2024. If you're on the Personal o...
Well, it took THREE years, but Mondrian - Plastic Reality is finally coming to (among a few other places). So why, pray tell, did it take so long to bri...
Hello, because I used Turbo Rascal for developing the game there are plenty of other possible systems for the game. C64 is a major plattform, but there are othe...
When I was working on Sokocode for pico-8, I was not only trying to recreate the original, but I also wanted to add more of what pico-8 had to offer. Yep, the s...
GAME BOY ADVANCE MUSIC AND SOUND CHALLENGES The GBA isn’t known for its sound. The static sounds you often hear in Game Boy Advance games are called artifacts...
WHY DID YOU MAKE A GAME FROM SCRATCH, WITHOUT A GAME ENGINE? We chose to not use a 3rd party game engine because one, we wanted the challenge. And two, we like...
Heyo, Nicec00lkidd here. Recently while I was working on Foxo’s Fun Schoolhouse version 1.1, something really… REALLY bad happened. The sprites folder, sudd...
This post is about development on Naev 0.11.0. At the 2nd anniversary of posting about implementing raymarched fancy explosions , it’s time to talk about tryi...
Hi, I just uploaded small bug fix update! Bugs: Iron smelt quest trigger - fixed First-night survival quest trigger - fixed Wrong smelting behavior - fixed Butt...
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What's the most important thing in a rhythm game? Not actual rhythm gameplay, but the music. Actually, not really; I just didn't know how to start this post. As...
I've just uploaded the source code for version 1.0 in the downloads, so if you'd like to create a mod or just see how everything works, you can do so by downloa...
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Hi everyone! Devlog#6 is out! The features: — Aceleration and desaceleration — New Level concepts style — new HUD — Secondary objectives...
Finite State Machines Hi, Pixelated Opus here and today I would like to continue the discussion of the development process of my playdate game titled "Castle Ti...
We saw that RetroAchievements have been implemented for version 1, a very fun way to compete! A big thanks to RetroAchievement user Sines who appears to be resp...
Estou criando este post para solucionar qualquer bug no jogo, qualquer problema ou glitch que seja notado no jogo, podem comentar neste post. You can also use t...
A couple people have been asking me about this, so I decided the best thing to do was to write up a post about it! In com__et the bulk of the game has one dynam...
Motivations Hi, Pixelated Opus here and today I want to discuss the development process of my playdate game titled, “ Castle Tintagel ”. I have always been...
I’ve decided to move the game to UE5 from 4. I have been keeping an eye on the features and small improvements they introduced from the very beginning but was...
This week there aren't a new update about #InvisibibleX alpha game. Does mean I give up the game? Or my promise about doing an update every 15 days? In this 8 y...
Esta semana no hay nueva actualización del alpha del videojuego #InvisibleX ¿Significa que he tirado la toalla? ¿He roto con mi promesa de sacar una actualiz...
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