Physical game Tutorials
English Hi everyone! It’s Stefano here, back with another update on KAMIKAZE. Today, I’m super excited to announce that the KAMIKAZE - Pachinko file is live...
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Hexed Press x Bandit's Keep: OSE Teaching Play, "Hole in the Oak" You asked for it and, with some help from Daniel of Bandit's Keep fame, I am going to attempt...
This is an overall explanation of how I usually walk through my art. In this one I needed to work on a cover image for the book. 1. I start off with some small...
This comment provides the jumping off point to talk more about dungeoncrawling in Old School Essentials and b/x-like games: Not really a fan of this idea. Unles...
Robert Cook asked about how to handle running in Old School Essentials style combat: Running: B/X does not REALLY indicate whether or not you can run in combat...
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You've got a copy of OSE (maybe one of those fancy hardcovers from a Kickstarter) and you've downloaded the cheat sheet. You've got players and a dungeon and th...
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Hey all, amazing followers! Was wondering, how has SOLO Roleplaying been for you? I have taken the time, after your feedback, to explain PUM by example, and wha...
It's sometimes challenging for gamers new to Limelight to get their heads around its issues and obligations mechanics. The main rule to remember is easy: set sc...
If you've spent some time with Limelight , it's (hopefully!) evident that a character with a very high Loyal stat gets certain advantages. For example, since th...
Playing with Children RPG is a great activity to train problem-solving skills, teamwork, and imagination. Moreover, many of the inspirations from Forgotten Ball...
A while back, I got to play His Majesty the Worm with Tony Vasinda at Plus One EXP. You can watch our stream here. Plus One EXP is one of my favorite channels b...
Dan and I got to play ECO MOFOS!! with Tony Plus 1 EXP and Colin Le Sueur We played my one-shot adventure A-Hole in the Ground and it was awesome. Thanks so muc...
We've released a guide for creating your character in Voyager: Tactics! Thank you for the kind support thus far...
FEEDING THE AI Yesterday we created a character and fed the AI with the data from my game: "A Penguin's Tale". Today I'll keep using it to write an adventure fo...
FEEDING THE AI Hey everyone, today I'll use the "ChatGPT-4" to simulate the creation of a character in my game. I'll write the used prompts, so you can try it a...
ENTRY 001 Ace of Clubs I want to refresh myself on this journey, since I stumbled on some good news. (1) I was hoping that the readings I did for Anenqui back h...
Hello today! While this game is technically fully playable, I want to keep polishing the experience of it until I consider it perfect. Since this is a tabletop...
So over on my Twitter , I rolled up a character for a RWBY setting in ChargeQuest! Here's how it went.. I have a lot of cool Extras made for ChargeQuest, but a...
Hi there! I’m going to show how the map for Wilderness works. The goal of the map is to provide a tangibility to the world itself and inspire the fiction of a...
He grabado un video explicando como funciona el sistema PUSH y la creación de personajes, incluyendo dos escenas de juego de Cyber-Monkey Archipelago. ¡Espero...
Please disregard the earlier disturbance in the feed, just some undesirables disrupting the holy blockchain. They are going to have fun staying poor. Now back t...
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(Updated 5/13/22) Hi there! Not a development log for once. This is just a thread about how to run AF online on roll20. (There’s no character sheet for roll...
Hey Pilgrims! Check it out! WPG Mike took the time to do a short stream to walk through the Steel Horizons Quickstart Guide as well as give previews of the upco...
Hello everyone! After seeing a bundle of new players enjoying the game, HERE IS THE ROMANTIC END GUIDE to a Night's Watch. This is relatively spoiler free, keyw...
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An RPG about ordinary medieval people on extraordinary adventures to overcome the strange prophecies that haunt them.
When doing the quick update for DIE beta, someone on the DIE Discord asked me an obvious question. What do I need to read to actually play the DIE beta? Good qu...
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The last (very small) update to the Truth Tectonics PDF added the reminder "Ontologically anchored entities cannot be revised" to the reality quake mechanics. W...
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Introduction After The Rupture, the world went silent for hundreds of years. The magnificent structures our ancestors built were taken over by nature. At one po...
Interested in making your own "zine style" Core Rulebook? Then you've come to the right place! What you'll want to do is use the "TLHTT Core Rulebook V1 - Doubl...
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Here's how I made the obstacles for my own Spy Chasers game. You'll need a Hot Wheels car or two, aluminum foil, cooking spray, spray paint, and a shitload of h...
i just did a thing. With the header text. I thought it was neat. So, i wanted to find the header text: as a person sleeping. So, the first thing i did was go on...
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The Problem Some Players find it difficult to answer the questions posed by the World and some Moves. They struggle, they squirm, they ask the World to answer i...
Il Problema Alcuni giocatori trovano difficile rispondere alle domande poste dal Mondo e da alcune Mosse. Resistono, si contorcono, chiedono al Mondo di rispond...
🇬🇧 Small warning: in this tutorial, I will talk about the reality of small independent self-published authors in Italy. When I talk about the law, I refer...
🇬🇧 In today’s devlog, I want to tell you about the FSC logo. The first time I learned about the FSC logo was because Nicola Urbinati from Dreamlord Game...
In Moons Among Us I’ve complicated how dice work in a particular way, this is born of two things. I complicate everything, I mean look at this whole thing, of...
In order to print the zine properly, you'll need to make sure a few key settings are, well, set. Specifically, you want to make sure that: You are printing Actu...
Ieri sera ho playtestato Un gioco serio per la prima volta, insieme ad Alberto, Alessia e Daniele. Nel complesso è stato un playtest molto interessante: ho ric...
With the recent release of Halo 3 on PC & trailer for Halo Infinite , I have been reminded of my love for the halo games & universe at large. Halo 3 in particul...
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You can Setup this game very easily, just follow the two steps below. 1. Public pile & Draw pile. Gather all CIVILIAN cards from the deck and stack them face-do...
How to Contain Containing anomalies in Uncontained: An SCP Card Game is one of the few things you can legally do during your turn that doesn't depend on anythin...
The most frequent comment/question/request I get about Hogwarts: An RPG is "I really like the game – how do I make it about characters going on adventures in...
Like 90% of the responses I've been getting on the Google Playstore app and 50% of the messages we get from newcomers from the Discord server is just about peop...
Si tienes curiosidad por saber cómo se juega "Titán", el juego R&W de minería espacial, no te puedes perder el tutorial y la reseña que se acaba de publica...
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This is a session of Battle of the Gods I played at a friend's place. The world we made is a dead rat in a mouse trap where maggot-folk find beauty in areas unt...
This is a session of Inhuman Condition I played on Roll20 with some friends. We started by creating our organization: a hidden faction using paper dolls to win...
Here is the easy tutorial to craft the new version of the firing mechanism. I decided to remove the rubber band and simplify the whole mechanism by introducing...
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