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Is accessibility a major theme of this jam?

A topic by ToadNet Entertainment created Dec 02, 2018 Views: 268 Replies: 1
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Just asking the question from the title. I am very intrigued by the 2 button limitation but of course my brain jumped to a couple thoughts immediately. 1. Lets use to buttons to have a crazy complex input system where challenge comes from retaining button combos. 2. I should do a complex game like a survival rpg but with supper accessible controls.

I feel number 2 is more in the spirit of the request, however would a game built to have complex and difficult controls off minimal input be acceptable as a submission?


Accessibility is a major theme indeed. That doesn't necessarily exclude difficult games but in case of very tough gameplays, it would be nice to offer a simple difficulty setting system.

In any case, the kind of game you're talking about is totally acceptable.