WOW! This game is so AMAZINGLY designed and the colors are so beautiful! They are very calming on the eyes . I'm so impressed with this level design and the sounds are what really help make this game feel complete. I would love to see more of this developed and see how far you can take it! Great job on this! 10/10 STARS
Play game
Omega's pageTeam Name
Zii Miller
Gameplay Instructions
WASD - to move around.
Mouse - to look around.
Left/Right click - to pick up the d20 objects.
[P] - Pause
What platform is your game built for?
List any content that was created before the jam that was included in the final submission.
Although I created my own stairs, columns, pavement, pillars, etc for the procedural level, some of the assets such as the vines/flowers and the broken column are placeholders from Radu Cius's Houdini UE4 tutorial.
Sadly I don't have any audio dev experience so the music and sounds are sourced from Envato Elements.
The character is a slightly modified version of the Advanced Locomotion System 4 available free from the Unreal Marketplace.
The sky is "Fantastic Skies Pack" by Advanced Asset Packs.
I used a Quixel Megascans material for the main ground/column textures, "Cast in Situ Concrete".
Font is "Equinox" from Envato.
Link to Gameplay Footage
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