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A member registered Sep 19, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much! I am so glad you liked it 😂

I didn't have as much time as I had hoped. 

Maybe just over an hour a day for the week of the jam. 

And thank you! I've been doing UX prototyping for a while so the menu didn't take too long to mock up :]

Really appreciate it! 

Wish I had time to take this a bit further with particles and other various effects. 

Hey, your gameplay footage video link needs to be updated. 

Redirects to the wrong page. 

Not sure honestly! It's probably one of the coolest looking simple shapes. 

And like you said, futuristic :] 

One tip for your lighting that I noticed: Drag the "Soft Source Radius" of your spotlights way up, until you can't see the harsh point reflections on the walls. 

I don't think I fully understand the gameplay myself 😅 But I'm glad you liked the atmosphere! Thank you. 

Just wanted to have something a bit more relaxing that would help people take their mind of this crazy year... We're not done yet. Still 2 weeks left of 2020. 

Ah! This is really pretty too. I love the box-head thing XD

Love the two-toned theme! I tend to do that a lot with my work. 

Cyan & Magenta are perfect together. 

If anyone really wants to play but has a Mac or is running Linux, just let me know and I could try to package a build for those  platforms!

An intel i5? (It's a nightmare for building lighting)

A 5400rpm drive? 

I am sorry friend :[

And sadly, I was not able to extract the archive properly. I downloaded both. Anything specific I need to do?

I understand! When I fist began to use Unreal it crashed a lot. I am used to it now and use plugins to keep me from losing my work. And yeah, that game does look like it would be a little difficult to run on a laptop. I will test it on my PC and let you know what I get in terms or framerates! 

Beautiful environment. 

Is there a "full" horror story you were able to implement? I'll give the game a go. 

You even managed to make the animations and stuff in 1 week's time? crazy!

Looks too good James 👍 I love 2.5D-type games. 

Yes, d20 is actually a type of dice with 20 sides (instead of 6). Usually used in tabletop board games. 

Haha what made you choose that shape? I made mine directly in Unreal with a BSP brush. 

Wow this concept looks a LOT like what I did LOL. Very nice 👍 

Thank you very much :] I wanted to do something a little bit more relaxing to end off this crazy year.

You guys made all that stuff from scratch! Wow really cute style :]

You're using the exact same d20 object I am in my game! Haha

This is some really cool stuff!

The effects are incredible! And I love your post processing. 

Wow man, looks amazing! I love the hand drawn style.

I think this was pretty funny. I certainly miss those big BlockBuster stores, and it was nice to explore one yet again, albeit virtually. 

Like those cooking simulation games, this can get quite difficult and took me a couple tries to feel more fluent with the tapes. 

Great job guys! I could see this as a real mini-game. 

LOVE the idea! Gonna run this by the team

Well I am Japanese :]

Good to know the lag is across the board, makes it easier to fix. I think we found the culprit! 

Haha yeah... we are working on a fix to speed it up so it runs well on everyone's PC :) 

Thank you so much for checking it out! 

Thanks! Got any advice to make it even more crazy?

:[ really wish you guys were able to experience it. We'll work on fixing the lag issues and let you know when a new update is released if you're interested in trying it again later! 

Sorry about the lag Rhizo ;] if we had a few extra hours to optimize the build it would have run better for you! It was pretty choppy for us too though.
Thanks for checking it out! We will go ahead and try to make this game a reality :]

Good lord, this is amazing.