The environment and art style were very cool, but I couldn't interact with anyone (on the Vive). It kept telling me to point at them and hit some kind of button, but none of them worked. So I just took a stroll around town and it was nice.
Play game
Running out of Space's pageTeam Name
Gameplay Instructions
From the main menu
Choose dominant hand
Choose free or teleport movement
Choose smooth or snap rotation
To rotate: Use thumbstick on Dominant hand.
To move: Use thumbstick on non Dominant hand
To pick up: Use grip on either hand.
To speak to People: Aim & hold trigger on Dominant hand
To display map or menu: Face buttons on motion controllers will toggle
To store clues and display inventory - Dominant hand facebuttons
What platform is your game built for?
List any content that was created before the jam.
VR hands, various sound effect
Some of the code and algorithms were inspired from the VRExpansion plugin
All art, story, dialogue, soundtrack and design were done specifically for the jam.
Link to Gameplay Footage
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