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A jam submission

Cadaver of CallistoView game page

​Cadavar of Callisto is a game made for entry into the Epic Mega Jam 2023 and was created in Unreal Engine 5.
Submitted by Matthew Wright — 5 minutes, 28 seconds before the deadline
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Team Name
Team Callisto

Game Name
Cadavar of Callisto

Link to Gameplay Footage

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Assets from before the jam:


Other: (Jupiter 8k + Stars Milky Way)

Are you entering as a student team?

Which Engine version did you use to create your entry?

Gameplay Instructions
Open CadaverOfCallisto.exe

Movement - WASD
Camera - Mouse
Interact - Space
Pause - Esc
Open Inventory - Tab
Inspecting controls:
Rotate Object - M1 + Mouse
Take Item - E
Leave Item - Q
Zoom - Mouse Wheel

What platform is your game built for?


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A delightfully eerie experience!

The atmosphere that this project manages to conjure in such a short time is a credit to your team, the lighting and environment design coupled with impressive sound usage quickly sets the user on edge in a manner not dissimilar to atmospheric story games such as "Gone Home".

I personally got stuck finding the third fuse, but if anything that shows my lack of skill at puzzle games!

The inspection and inventory mechanics felt incredibly well though out, especially given the jam's time frame; one criticism of the inspection mechanic I do have is that it was often difficult to orient the notes in a way that made them easy to read, an issue that could be easily solved with a hotkey to centre the object or a mode that displays only the text in a widget format.

Overall, it was a very enjoyable game and leaves the player wanting more from the mystery of the Callisto Cruise!


Thank you for the feedback and the compliments! I fully agree with the orientation of the notes being something that needs to be fixed and will implement that if we work more on this project in the future. Also, I'm sorry you had trouble finding the fuse there is a YouTube video attached to the page showing the complete gameplay if you would like to use that as a guide! Thanks a bunch, Matt.


I should have been more clear as I did end up finding the final fuse by scouring the floor enough, the part in which the music starts in the theatre from a distance is easily my favourite piece of ambience in the game!


I tried to play the game with mouse and keyboard, and the controls was not very good. I also seem to lose my things in the inventory. But the idea seem fun.


I am sorry if you found it hard to play, you are always able to check controls in the pause menu if that helps :)


Do you mind if i ask you how you lost it, i didnt encounter that issue when testing it so im not sure what happened there


The movement speed was so slow that it was impossible to do it with in the 4 seconds. I am also pretty sure the mouse courser hit the edge of the screen. The issue could be something with frame rate.


I'm not sure what you mean by 'with in the 4 seconds'.  Nothing in our game had a time limit. Hopefully if you try again it works out better :)


After 4 seconds the timer stops and I can't move the box any more.


Sorry, but what you're describing doesn't make sense for our game we do not have any timers or boxes that can be moved. 


I am sorry wrong game. I though your question was about another jam game.

You asked what happened with the things in my inventory? I am not totally sure, but after I have opened and closed the inventory tab some times, I have for some reason lost nearly everything.