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a bit confused with the theme

A topic by Alpha created Jan 24, 2024 Views: 66 Replies: 2
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A lot of people are submitting “images”. Am I making my game wrong? The goal for the game was to go on a quest to find 24 letters and find the ancient translator to translate to something.


Rule 1 of the jam is as follow:

  1. Write an analogue role-playing game (such as TTRPG or LARP) in 24 words.
    1. Analogue games are games with human facing instructions, contrasting video games with code executed by a computer.
    2. The rules/mechanics need to be in 24 words, but the game may have a separate title and introduction.
    3. It should be a standalone game, without the need for other game texts.

Most people are submitting their games in PDF, PNG and/or .TXT files.

kk thx dude