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A jam submission

Free YourSelf (Jam Edition)View game page

Submitted by William.Co — 17 days, 6 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Most improved#83.2313.231

Ranked from 13 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Hello again. We have decided to do a full release of this game and we are going take the reviews fix what didn't work and add on what did stay tuned for update.


Big improvement! The slippy floor was a simple yet elegant design choice.


Music: I see this was added before the jam, so I guess it’s not something I really have to talk a lot about. But the music sounds fun and fits the game, and it also fits the 90’s theme. It is a bit short, but the game is pretty short, so I don’t think that’s a big deal. However, I would say it’s a bit annoying how it restarts every time you beat a level.

Font (in the game): This too was there before the jam. Its a bit playful, but fairly readable, and the font size is fitting too.

Art: Fairly simple, but it shows what the player needs to see. The colours work well, although I guess colour blind people could maybe have trouble seeing that the red and green balls were different. And the geometric trees at the end also fit quite well into the playful style. And so do the solid colours on the robot, which also give it a bit of a retro feel. And the textured floor makes it look more interesting while also being useful to see where I have to go (there’s a place where I want to be between a specific pair of lines).

Levels: You added a couple of those. And I think they improve the game a lot. I do feel like the fourth level is a bit hard to play unless you completely avoid moving the camera. And if you rotate the camera and hit a spike, your position gets reset but not the camera rotation, so you have a camera that isn’t aligned with the level, and that makes it even harder to move. I found that I can get through if I look carefully at the lines on the floor, but even then I tend to hit spikes in that level most of the time if I move the camera.

Credits screen: Maybe let players skip it and get back to the title screen without waiting for it to finish? Well, it’s pretty short, so it’s probably only because of trying to play it several times in a row that I notice it. If I’d change just one thing about it though, I think that would be making it play some other music so that it doesn’t restart the music the way every level has before it.

Fun: The first playthrough was fun, although the fourth level was a bit annoying, but not bad enough to ruin it completely. And after I had beaten the game once I found it fun to beat it again more times, perhaps precisely because of the challenging part. It might also be a fun game to try speedrunning for a couple of days.


Cool entry! One thing I kept thinking was that it plays a little bit like Super Monkey Ball, with the way the level tilts and the robot can't stop its momentum sometimes. Have you ever thought about putting your little robot guy inside a gacha ball? I think that would tie in nicely with the current game physics! :D


With this type of control I think maybe basing it around being on ice would make the slipperiness feel more natural. Also the spikes' collision can be really cheap and frustrating lol

Good start though. 

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