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This is my first official Game Jam!

A topic by C-MoneyDev created Dec 13, 2022 Views: 166 Replies: 2
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Submitted (1 edit)

I'm a beginner game developer, and I just started using Unreal Engine 5. I'm starting to get the hang of it after watching some different tutorials on YouTube. I'm not really sure what to expect in Game Jams, so if anybody has any tips please let me know!

I already have my base game layout complete, I just need to add my theme and a few different sections of the play area. I'm actually proud of this so far and I hope once I'm done everyone can enjoy my creation!


That's great! I'm glad you're learning and making progress.

Some tips:
- aim REALLY small. something complete and small will be validating, satisfying and help you learn!
- doing just one thing is more than enough for this purpose. e.g "do one thing well", even if small, is plenty for this
- try to get the game playable asap and close the loop. this means: a menu -> game -> end -> menu loop, it helps and you learn a lot!
- rest well, shower etc and be healthy, you can submit at any time even after the time window on this page. never crunch for a game jam
- let people try the game as early as you can. you can make and upload builds onto your game page here on itch before submitting. there's the discord server if you'd like to find people to test as well

There's probably more but thanks for joining, let use know how it goes!


Also my first jam :) Downloading your submission!