Dick Storm became a go-to character for us lately, so that's entirely possible :D
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Thanks! Glad you liked it!
As for ending, we aimed for something that says "and now gameplay happens!", so at first it ended with camera over the shoulder, sort of like new Resident Evil games. Because there's no gameplay this gave a rather abrupt ending, so we changed it to the zoom-and-spin last minute!
I would definitely want to have enough free time to do that!
So far I only have a cutscene, a fast paced shooter, and a slower paced shooter
Thanks! It may seem like a lot of animations, but looking at it now, it's probably normal amount for my brother working in "jam mode". You can also notice, that since the cutscene is divided into two distinct pieces, so we could work in paralel pretty easily. The first part (before the clock strikes midnight) has one camera setup, but many animations- that's mostly on my brother. The later part has 5 or 6 camera positions, but only two animations. That was mostly me.
As for music, I thought about it, but in the end decided against it. I thought it distracted from the scene. Maybe if I had some better music :)
Anyway, glad you liked it!
Big thanks! I really aimed for this to feel like it belonged right before some more dynamic gameplay, so I'm glad you felt that!
As for music, I felt like in the first part I wanted to sell the "not much happens" vibe. There are only three sound clips in the first part- ticking clock, light switch, and a quiet "thump", that startles Dick, when he's looking out the window. In the end we decided music would distract from that.
Really glad you liked it!
Yeah, Dick Storm kinda became a go-to character for my jam projects. This is a... fifth one :D
Glad you liked the animations. The poses... if the jam was a bit longer, we would probably have more time to think them over. This time, we went with our first ideas :). The text... well, I took Unity's default font and ran with it.
The finale went through many tweaks, but in the end I got it the way I wanted (ok, maybe I'd still tweak some things a bit). One thing I knew from the start, was that I wanted to end it in the way that says "and then, the gameplay happens". It's a cutscene after all!
Anyway, glad you liked it!
First things first. Something I always tell Unity devs, who don't make web builds. Make web builds. More people will play your game (or in this case cutscene).
Now, about the cutscene. Nice to see some proper unity camera usage! And animations! Better yet- voice acting!
Two things confused me though. First- one of the guys was a cop? There's sorcerer, knight, a dragon, some undead creature, and a cop. Why a cop? I couldn't tell :)
The other one is- I didn't feel the connection between the clock and the action. I mean- I got the characters, I saw what they wanted to do, but I didn't know what was the significance of the clock.
Really cool! I liked the usage of shaders, loved how the stuff really gets into the high gear when the alarm starts.
Most of all- I'd REALLY like to play the game that starts this way!
Only one criticism- the cuts at the start (before the alarm) come maybe a bit too fast? I'd let those takes linger a bit longer, to contrast the action, when the alarm goes off!
Other than that- one of my favorites!
Playing chess with death is a popular motif, but speed chess with death is an entirely new thing :)
Seriously though. Art is very stylish. The color composition and music sells the somberness of the scene. I could see it as a cutscene in a narrative heavy game, maybe as a ending for one of the characters arc?
I had so much fun! I loved the graphics style.
As for minigames some were better then others (I never loved the flappy bird), but they never overstayed their welcome, and gave nice variety. Maybe some of them could be a bit more polished?
One more thing! I loved the comic! I always like when jam devs give a bit of the context to their games, and the comic was a lovely way to do this!
Over all, great game and really good use of the themes!
Keep up the good work!
There was no easter-egg :)
As for different enemy behaviors- It's a bit difficult to do in such a short time. All of the enemies actually use the same AI, but with differently set parameters (check out the devlog, if you want to read about it)!
Also, circle-strafing and shooting was the way this was meant to be played- I played DOOM and DOOM2 recently, and got intensely inspired :)
Thanks! Glad you liked it! I'm passing every praise the art gets to my artist (in my case it's a fancy way of saying "to my brother")!
We've been doing jam games for almost two years now, and I've been coding, well, much longer than that. If you're curious about our creative process check out the devlog attached to this game!