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A member registered Jun 02, 2022 · View creator page →

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Very cool! I especially liked the 2d enemies! The theme was somewhat creepy, but fit the game well.

Good job!

Cool ,  but difficult game. I got swarmed pretty quick, and my best score was only 13 slimes :(

Cool idea, nice execution. Only thing I had a problem with was guessing how far/high my jump would be, so I always landed a bit closer/further than I intended.

The attack charging had a very nice game feel!

Good work!

Nice! Feeling some CoD zombies influences! 

I have a tip for enemy AI you can find useful. Instead of having the player as a movement target, have a random point near the player, and switch to actual player only when it's time to attack! That way your enemies don't go in a single row, and are a bit harder to hit!

Keep up the good work!

First game I've played in this jam!

Cool idea, but it could use a more detailed description, and a way to restart without reseting the whole page. 

Thanks man!

Glad you liked it, and glad my game had some educational value :)

Thanks for playing!

I'll probably take more time to work on sound next time.

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing! 

The gameplay  was supposed to be more complex, with some navigation elements and some difficult terrain, but it turned out, that I had less time than I thought I would. What I did turned out ok, so I'm happy with it :)

Pretty good. Walking through corridors, cryptic puzzles, and general vibes reminded me of Silent Hill series! Even despite simple graphics you managed to convey the atmosphere! Good work!

Great voicework, original idea.

Keep it up :)

Very atmospheric, but I think there is a bug, when you collect all the eves at once, so I haven't finished it yet.

PSX effect gives it even more creepy vibes.

Keep up the good work! 

Let's start at an end- amazing submission!

Everyone uses synty assets nowadays, but you really gave them a new life with amazing use of the lighting! Level design was also clear- I always knew where to go (again- lighting) and prop usage was used perfectly to create a spooky atmosphere. The baddie (your boss?) was a great way to build up tension, although I think he was a bit too hard to loose once he noticed you. It would be nice to have some way of diverting his attention (like thrown rocks in Far Cry series). That's a nitpick, and it didn't take from my enjoyment of the game, because the game state got saved, even if I got caught. Baddie's animations were on point, although it wasn't clear for me, if his field of view was linked to his head movement.

The audio was great- not too intense, but just enough to add to the atmosphere, and give the player feedback.

As I just handed in my resignation letter, the theme of burning out at work resonated with me.

Over all- again, really amazing submission. I'd like to see a bigger project from this team :)

I like, when games (and fiction in general) use experiences that relate to everyone. It's like an emotional shortcut. In this case, it's a shortcut to the need of dropping a mud pie, that would make the pope swore off religion. 

The other thing I like is mixing of horror and comedy. Both relate on surprise, often of the thing that is where isn't supposed to be. Or vice-versa, like a missing or locked shitter.

Much like a dookie, that can't be wiped, this game stuck to me.

Good work!

I had tons of fun :D


I'm writing this one after my first playthrough, getting ending 3.

This was really simple. Also- one of the best games (from what I've played so far) in this jam. Tension building was spot on- I was looking at the mannequins hard, trying to spot if any moved. And the amazing "oh shit" moment once the walkie calls again.

You did really great job with limited scope. Awesome work! 

I always go for a good title- check out my other games if you wanna see some real good ones :)

I really worked on the pacing, so thanks for noticing :)

Thanks for playing :)


Glad you liked it!

Ok, from the start- I always try my bast to play as many jam games as I can. The one's that commented on my game are absolutely a must. However life happened, and just today I noticed I haven't played the game of first guy who commented on mine.

At first I thought that a game without graphics is going to be lazy. BOY WAS I WRONG! 

Not only you used every ounce of sound design you could, and topped it off with great voice acting, you also tied it together with atmospheric narrative.

The graphics are sparse, but good- this game isn't about graphics anyway :) 

This is the best game in this jam I've played so far. That being said- some improvement feedback is always welcome, so here's mine. I would add 3d sound (in this game it would be the best thing, and when the threat appears, I'd prefer for the screen to get redder on the side of the threat- for people without great headphones.

In the end- I'll probably return to this one. It's one to take in, in a darkened room with headphones, without my daughter playing harmonica :)

Over all- amazing work! 

(1 edit)

Not bad! I especially liked the spider-creature effects and level layout. The main problem is length  here. It would be even better if you had several objectives. Maybe some more refined lightning would help too.

Over all- pretty good game! Keep it up.

One more thing. Unity lets you make web builds. From my experience web builds attract more players, so that's something to consider :)

Nice idea- I'd really like to see it spun into a bigger game!

Original idea!

Hey, not bad! Limiting the field of view is certainly a good way to increase tension. Usually I'm not a fan of tank controls, but they worked in this game.

One question though- were the bullets supposed to go through the walls?

Glad you liked the idea!

As for the gameplay. I initially wanted more out of this- more complex navigation, some difficult terrain, landings that take more effort than pressing 'e' :) However, life happened, and I decided to polish stuff that I already had (time the dialogues, improve animation and camera movement in the last sequence, really go hard with light effects during escape) instead of adding more.

Thanks for playing, glad you liked it!

Thanks for playing!

Thanks! I get pretty consistent feedback, and I'll definitely work on sound more in the next game.

As for the gameplay. I initially wanted more out of this- more complex navigation, some difficult terrain, landings that take more effort than pressing 'e' :) However, life happened, and I decided to polish stuff that I already had (time the dialogues, improve animation and camera movement in the last sequence, really go hard with light effects during escape) instead of adding more.

Thanks for playing!

Accidental sequels are the best sequels :D


Good catch- the title is indeed a reference, although a low-key one (as you can tell, other than a spooky color plotwise the game doesn't have much to do with tCOoS). I'm always happy, when I put some little thing in my jam games and someone notices :)

Thank you! The hand went through a couple of iterations and I'm pretty happy with where it ended.

You sir, are a absolute legend! Every single jam developer likes to see their game played (it's a best form of feedback- you can see if your design resonates with people the way you wanted to).

Huge thanks, and keep up the good work!

That's what I was going for :)

Thanks for playing!

I'm always happy to see someone's first jam submission- I mean, I was there less than a year ago.

Let's talk about your game. I think you already realize that the story is your strongest  quality. It was engaging, although I didn't feel a consistent theme, more like a bunch of scary mysterious things happening in a spooky forest. That's not a bad thing- the game "betrayal in the house on the hill" is just that, and I love it :)

Art was cool- it was nice you kept black-and-white palette using color just to add emphasis on some stuff. It would be cool if there was more variety- like if the text tells me "you approach the lake" there would be a appropriate picture in the background, but I realize that this takes way more work. What could be an easy win, is adding just a bit of movement to fight scenes. Like some up-and-down movement, nothing fancy (of course the animations would go even harder).

Adding some sounds would help too. I often use freesound.com for my sound needs (if you use it remember to credit sound authors).

Over all- congrats on your first jam game! 

Did just that :)

I loved the atmosphere, and the gameplay was all right, but I don't know how to open the crates (I think that's where last two coals are supposed to be). 

Nice! I don't really know If I got the story (I guess it is supposed to be cryptic), but the vibes of growing decay worked on me!