Thanks for playing. Regarding randomization, it's the positions of enemies, hostages and traps. And jumping seems to be something a lot of people found tricky, I guess I may need to change how it works or include a platforming tutorial.
"Huh". I really enjoyed this! I never got used to the jumping but I enjoyed hopping around. I like the use of color and the intricacies of of the environment. It's a little bummer there's not more of a consequence to getting spotted but was a lot of fun nonetheless. Great job!
Thanks for playing. Regarding jumping it's affected by look direction, so if you look upwards you go higher otherwise you go longer horizontally. As for being spotted, I was ultimately planning to have enemies shoot at you, just didn't get it done in time unfortunately.
Thanks for playing. Regarding randomization, it's the positions of enemies, hostages and traps. And jumping seems to be something a lot of people found tricky, I guess I may need to change how it works or include a platforming tutorial.
"Huh". I really enjoyed this! I never got used to the jumping but I enjoyed hopping around. I like the use of color and the intricacies of of the environment. It's a little bummer there's not more of a consequence to getting spotted but was a lot of fun nonetheless. Great job!
Thanks for playing. Regarding jumping it's affected by look direction, so if you look upwards you go higher otherwise you go longer horizontally. As for being spotted, I was ultimately planning to have enemies shoot at you, just didn't get it done in time unfortunately.