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A member registered Feb 02, 2016 · View creator page →

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I love the atmosphere!  The character and creature designs are really fun.  I found the mini game pretty challenging but the doable due to the color changes.  Fantastic job!

This is a really neat idea!  I love the strike health bar.  I wasn't a fan of the shop popping up automatically, especially when I couldn't buy anything.  I felt I spent most of my time chasing the ball rather than hitting it.  Focusing on the position of the player, the ball, and the mouse was a lot to handle as well.  Great demo!

What a neat little game!  The clues in the characters made for a nice challenge to match the house with.  I like all of the different house designs too.  Great job!

Great game!  It's fun to see what kind of wacky towers you can make.  I did find the stacking a little tedious and it didn't feel great to get reset every time, but I liked all of the different building blocks.  Fun stuff!

Thanks for playing!  I'm glad I could give some useful feedback.

Thanks for playing the the thorough review!  I realized too late I needed a lot better level generation.  The player actually does have a light but I turned up the world brightness the last day so the player light is washed out.  I've had a couple mentions about sphere cast and just forgot it existed.  The audio was all a last day add so I didn't get a chance to polish it.  I had too much fun making potions I never got around to a proper environment for them.  Thanks again for all the feedback!

Great job!  I had fun reading the ticker.  Setting your own difficulty is a fun mechanic.

Cute game!  I played it more than I thought I would due to the upgrade system.  I like the art and the music.  I thought it was a bummer the cards kinda covered up the combat a bit.  It also did feel like I was mostly waiting for a timer rather than strategically selecting cards.  Great job!

I like the art and obviously the main character.  The chopping and grinding the ingredients looked good even if I didn't figure out what it did.  I managed to get to the fight before the boss before dying.  

I had too much fun making the potions I never got around to making the levels good.  The stone spawning in the boxes is a bug but I left it in for the reason you mentioned.  Thanks for playing!

If you get the stone and take it to the exit you'll get an added enemy every level.  It's in the tutorial above the controls which I think is causing people to miss it.

I wanted that to but I didn't figure out the level generation fast enough to get it in.  Thanks for playing!

Great first game!  I enjoyed the slicing mechanic a lot.  The platforming was a bit finicky and I don't think the lighting mechanic meshed well but I had fun solving the puzzles.  Great job!

Super cool mechanic well implemented!  Messing with the timer, the object positions and the lights was a lot to handle but I really enjoyed solving the puzzles.  Fantastic job!

Really cute!  Love the start and end screens.  I enjoyed the puzzles a lot and just wish there were more.  The mirror sprite looked a little off but otherwise great job.

It's good to hear someone found the gold coin interaction!  I tried a couple times to make the tutorial and I still couldn't make it easily visible.  I had a lot of issues with spawning the goal and the guards that I wasn't able to iron out.  I'll have to check the SFX slider since it was one of the last things I added.

This is a great start!  The tutorial just using arrows was fantastic.  I found the UI for the orders a little hard to see but otherwise great job.

The gnome has arrived.  You cannot stop me.  The shadow swapping is a neat ability and I like the look of the level.  The potion throwing felt a little clunky but I liked the different potion types.

Very good base for a deck builder.  I love the theme and the goofy sound effects.  The upgrade menu was really neat.  Great job!

Thanks for playing!  I agree I did end up with more of a simulation than a game.

Cute game!  It felt a little floaty but I liked when the beat dropped.

Absolutely awesome concept!  I had a good time slowly understanding how the puzzles work and how to solve them.  It's nice to have the view of where the shadows are as well.  Would love to see this with upgraded lighting.

I love the gnomes!  I had a hard time figuring out where to place objects to be effective and couldn't figure out how to place down a tower.  I like the concept though.  Great start!

I got pretty lost on this one.  I like the art and it feels like you have a lot in place but I had a hard time figuring out what to do.  It looks like there is a lot to mess with in the shop and the wand modifications but I felt like I was getting killed too fast to mess with it.  I'll give it another try if there's obvious stuff I missed.

Thanks for playing!  I do agree that some options for tweaking the controls would be good.  The environment generation is the big thing I didn't get around to.  For your specific example the fire does spread from box to box but they have to be touching.  I had an animation for drinking and named the game about it but never got around to adding it.

I love the aesthetic!  I enjoyed picking up a bunch of items.  I wasn't able to find or figure out any of the crafting recipes.  I'd be interested in giving it another try if I could.

I love the graphics.  There seemed to be a lot of visual variety between the potions and I liked the bigger potions but I couldn't figure out what the colors did.  The controls felt smooth but bouncing between the Enter key and the mouse didn't feel good.  I liked the cute music but it did get a little grating.  Great job!

Obviously, I love the gnome.  I did figure out how to unlock the mine.  I didn't get too far after my movement bugged out.  Great aesthetic and I like the music!

I think this is a good direction to head.  Cards are fun but I think the theme can carry all of the deck building.

Great job and great games!  You did a awesome job replicating the NES style.  Dye Hard was my favorite although I had fun learning about all of the colonist names in Far Sea Invaders.

What a neat little game!  Great idea and fantastic execution!  I'm surprised typing while platforming felt pretty good.  The spaceships felt a little overeager and jumping on slopes felt a little odd.  Otherwise great job!

Cute!  Good job making the bugs recognizable with so few pixels

Neat idea!  I had a lot of fun dodging the attacks and I liked that each wizard had a distinct pattern.  For using powers I just spammed the button when I felt like I was in trouble.  I just mashed the color button when I reached an attack spot as well.  I enjoyed it a lot even if I didn't feel like I was playing it correctly.  Great job!

The game looks great and I like the idea!  I found the controls a little to clunky to get very far, but it's a solid foundation.

This is a fantastic screen saver.  Great job!

I really enjoyed this!  I love all the visual upgrades to the boat and the physics felt great!  Getting an upgrade with a curse was a great way to add challenge.  Fantastic job!

This is fascinating!  I wasn't familiar with "Fruit Box" and this a wonderful rendition.  I think I actually prefer your simplification and use of color, although the music on "Fruit Box" is great.

I absolutely love the presentation on this one.  The characters are so cute!  The loading tips are fantastic too.   I kinda lost track of the managers when attacking them but everything else was smooth otherwise.  Fantastic job

I really wanted to give this a try but I found it too buggy and confusing to get very far.  I really like the idea and the art though.

Neat game!  I enjoy the theming and the art.  Adding a character to a brick breaker game is a cool idea.  The deflect felt a little delayed which made it hard to hit balls.  It felt like there was a lot of waiting around for the ball too.  Overall, it was fun though.  Great job!