Figured I’d start a devlog for my 7DRL entry, Card Crypt :) Previously:
[Saturday, 3/6/2021] - Decided on my platform of choice, which is a WASM-powered browser game, and an (admittedly somewhat vague) notion of the design I’m going for, which is a somewhat traditional-looking roguelike but where all actions are dictated by a set of cards you build up while exploring. Spent time putting together a Zig project which would contain the core game logic & rendering, with a simple Javascript wrapper to load the WASM module, call into it, and blit internal framebuffer into a Canvas context. Some simple artwork used for testing, currently inspired by old home computers like the C64, MSX, and PC-98.
[Sunday, 3/7/2021] - Not a whole lot to show, but worked on porting a Delauney triangulation algorithm to Zig which I’ll be using to build a spanning tree of a series of randomly generated rooms in order to plot hallways between them.