wow, this was really nice for a first game! i like the idea of switching inputs, really fun idea for a quick/short game! i agree with the comment below that there were multiple times that the input was bound to the same button, which made me either restart or wait til the controls switched again. there were quite a lot of fun level designs for the game, like playing around with constant control switching and playing upside down! in a game where the controls switch and are not how the controls usually are in platformers, i think it would have been nice to add some coyote jumping and input buffering to the game (or at least make the time/duration for it higher if it is in the game) to account for the unusual controls!
the art is also really nice, the sprites look pretty nice together! love how you went for a cinematic opening, thats pretty impressive to include for your first game! the furniture/objects looks nice, though there are times when i couldn't tell if the furniture/objects was something i can land on or not. it was kind of inconsistent which lead to bad falls, so it would be nice if there was a way to indicate if it was in the background or not!
overall, pretty fun game and very good for a first game! great work!
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