The lovely old slow doggo and his rapid pupper chum that can do a 720 in mid-air have an adventure around the city looking for toys and treats
A cute 3rd person doggo collect-a-thon that just goes to show what can happen when the young and old work together with a sweet real time switching mechanic.
A nice adventure from Cookie Box Games, some serious thought and effort was put into this, and the audiovisual juxtaposition between the old and slow and young and fast was a really creative idea.
Stuff I liked:
- Mechanically solid, very quick to pick up
- Great animation work on the dogs in a short space of time
- Thematically on point
- Very cute theme song - I absolutely loved how the same song changed between the dogs!
- The low poly 3D choice was decently executed and ambitious for a short jam!
- Felt like a dog frolicking simulator, lots of room for other things! I would like to have seen what you could do with some more time.
Improvements for next time:
- "Fiddliness" / bugfixes
- I couldn't seem to get the traffic lights to activate to get the old dog to cross the road after the first time
- Whilst messing around doing mid-air 720s with the puppy, I somehow managed to get my controls completely misaligned so that W (forward) was sending me right
- An in game tutorial would've been a nice touch
- A personal preference, but I would've liked it if both dogs were faster! The game was a little slow paced at time
- The range of the sniff seemed like it could have been bigger, whilst there's a fun element to the exploration, I genuinely started to feel like a lost puppy at times
- Some kind of extra reward or acknowledgement when I collected all of the Collect-kibbles would've been cool
Great job team, looking forward to more!
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