I know from an early question in the Adventuron CaveJam that an object should generally provide an article (a, an, some, the) in the object description. Adventuron cleverly identifies the indefinite articles and replaces them with the definite article (the) in some responses. If you don't provide suitable articles, you can get some strange responses.
I'm wondering what articles are understood, what do you do when no article is appropriate, what do you do about proper nouns, does Adventuron distinguish between singular (a, an) and plural (some) objects and can you define your own articles if you have one that Adventuron doesn't understand (such as "lots of" in "lots of loot").
The doco says, "If you don’t know what an article is, or which one to use, ask a teacher or a trusted grown up." So I asked a trusted grown up and he said, "Adventuron? Get a life dude!" (Maybe he wasn't so trusted.)