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Modifications post-submission

A topic by alyoshak created Nov 29, 2020 Views: 157 Replies: 2
Viewing posts 1 to 3


I've submitted my entry and explained the current state of the game. I'm fine with it being judged on that state, but as I have never participated in a game jam before, I am just curious about the rules--if I want to keep working on it and updating it, fixing bugs, and adding things, what do I do re: the game's hosted page? Or do I simply wait until the competition is 'over' to upload any changes?

Thanks in advance,


Hello! This is a non-ranked game jam, so we don't have extremely strict rules. We won't be 'judging' games in the sense of deciding who is best, we simply want to encourage people to play each others games.

Bug-fixing after the deadline is fine. If you make bigger changes, it would polite to note which additions came in after the deadline. If you're going to do a serious revamp, consider a separate release.


Thanks! I'll probably be uploading some major bug fixes then, and if it starts to change substantially I can make a note/second upload.