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Elemental Knight Demo 2View game page

Collect the Elements to protect everyone
Submitted by JasonPKGames — 1 day, 2 hours before the deadline
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I think the ground could use a little less brown and green. Maybe add some flowers for color variation? The fade-out transition effect stops a little too soon but I'm sure you're aware of that. Nice job!


The style and graphics look nice. The automatic jumping felt really weird when trying to get back up the ledge in the room with the blue orb at the end of the demo. I'm not sure on how to improve that aspect though and make it feel more smoother.  An issue I had was with the minecart in general, the minigame, I accidentally skipped the part of the message that said wait 1 second and was very confused which is entirely my fault, but I think having a more clear visual indicator might help for someone like me,  or an option to get off the minecart and talk to the alien again, then the minecart itself kind of removed exploration and just made you sit and wait until it took you to the next room. Maybe adding a movement option like a quick roll would improve combat/movement.

Just leaving this here. :)

Nice graphics but the camera angle feels strange i don't think is fitting unless you are going to have free horizontal camera movement, the sound asset even if are not definitive are terrible, i would prefer to not have sound at all for these prototype.
Is a weird game maybe i need to see the next demo to have a better impression.


Ok the best part are the family pictures of those aliens, even though that means they are all boning the same turtle...

I fucked up the one dudes garden and he still thanked me for it :)

fell through the world every time i exited the mine, because that darn thing practically canonballed me out of there :)

and every time i fall off the world my costume changes to yellow even though my magic is still set to ice.

you can walk up that one bridge, but not down

while driving the card torched along keep disappearing into thin air (when driving towards the camera)

music is cool, but gets a bit repetitive after a few minutes because the loop is pretty short.

most of the assets look cool and the lighting is also really nice

in the end i could not find my way out of the mine again and was trapped in an endless cart ride to hell

good job, keep going and make more romantic turtle alien family pictures!!!


I softlocked. After going right, forward, and left, as soon as I left the cart I tried to switch magic to Ice, but then I was unable to close the selection screen and had to restart.

Also, few times the character would continue going right after D was released, haven't noticed it happening with any other buttons.

Other than that, it's pretty nice. Gameplay wise, there were some things I wasn't sure about. The bats don't come back so I don't know if I'd need to go back into that zone and snipe them to finish this quest. 

Very nice visuals though, I love them. Looking forward to future updates.

It's a really weird choice that you decided to change the camera, I think that with the proper adjustments a third person camera could work fine. You are kinda using a camera that feels more appropriate for a 2D game but your game is clearly 3D, with ledges, ramps and pits which also collide with the fact that there is no jump button (wasn't there one in the last demo?)

Your game felt like it was going in a direction that would end up with exploration and interaction with all kinds of stuff but it's hard to explore comfortably with a camera that doesn't allow much free will.
I'd like to see the reasoning behind this change because I feel it only damages the game.

Besides that I don't have much to say, it was very short with an abrupt ending but with everything fleshed out it could be nice and comfy.


Yeah camera was changed because it was giving me too many issues, and the workload is decreased quite a bit when I don't have to worry about the player viewing all of the game object from all directions, as well as not having to worry about any kind of objects/skybox in the distance, as there is no distant view with this kind of angle.  Yeah there was a jump button in the demo before, but along with not having to worry about players getting where they shouldn't and spending time making collisions that work properly, I decided that the gameplay doesn't really require jumping, and when it does, and auto jump should work fine in place.

There's definitely less of an opportunity to explore everywhere, which is obviously worse for the player, but it really lightens the burden on me.  After the last demo I decided that the workload was too much for myself to get the game out in a reasonable time, as I objectively looked at how little was done for the amount of time I worked on it.  I was going to call it a wrap until I decided to do whatever I could to make it easier for me while still retaining the core of the game I had imagined.  So yeah, it summary it needed to be done to save the game.

Thanks for playing it though!

That's quite fair, glad to know there is sense behind that decision.

Best of luck!