-always post images, few people are connoisseurs like me and want your dolphin porn, especially when there's 400MB of it
-alt+enter windows then full-screens right back
-timed text is not good, let me skip that shit
-when some of the text changes, for a frame the box disappears
-all that effort on writing generic so randumb cutesy text pretending it's progress could have been spent on real progress
-you can't quit the chatting
-you can run past and interact, it will keep running until you hit a wall
Making games is hard, but if you start skimping out on polish early on, you won't make anything good. No shortcuts, no excuses my motion blur man.
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uwdy's itch.io pageComments
Very cute dialogue, made me smile multiple times.
A bug I encountered: When trying to talk to the other mannequin from the side after going through the dialogue the first time, its "interact" text disappears and no dialogue starts. I'm not 100% sure if the talking from the side thing is causing it, but it happened multiple times so I dunno. Either way, looking forward to the turn based combat demo, good luck with that!
Dream Fight 17 A.D.
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