Game has a strong aesthetic going for it. Probably going to have to revisit this one to get a better grasp of how to play the game. (Played it on Linux by the way)
List of comments I noted down as I played:
Sound slider at the start that starts at 0 volume is a really nice touch tbh. Games blasting their music at me on start up is a major annoyance.
In the intro it be nice if I could skip the typewrite text to show the full text instead of slowly typing it out. Though it seems to only be relevant in the intro and maybe you are doing it for artistic reasons. In which case nvm.
Got a type at start with "CLICC HERE TO SKIP". Though again, maybe intional?
Dropped ammo magzines on reload is cool
The laptop console menus scroll is not great. Scroll is really slow. It scrolls backwards. Scrolling down, scrolls text down, instead of moving to show text lower down. Thinking about it, your way is more logical, and it might be a weird personal preference on my end. But I think im just using the default way of scrolling on my computer?
Mirror effect in apartment is cool
It would be nice if I could see the abilities a vocation unlocks before unlocking it
enter key on numlock doesnt work. Would be nice if it could be used.
Not sure how security system in hacking works. Tutorial explains the hacking well, but is there anything I can do to prevent computer system from noticing me?
Its a cool game that by all rates deserved to do well. Probably will revisit this one when I have time.
Thanks for the fun demo!
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