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A member registered Sep 24, 2017 · View creator page →

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Gameplay-Everyone is empty, Music is nostalgic, nice. Graphic still needs some Overhaul I think.

The redesigned Map flows better in my Opinion.

 I like the Cooking, but you need to be really carefull with the Ingredient Buffs, not loosing XP seemed incredibly Powerfull. Would also be nice to expand a bit, so you don't always eat it raw, but actually prepare something out of ti.

It still reminds me of older 2D Zeldas which is nice, Combat seems in a bit of weird spot balance wise, some Fights are incredibly easy, some are really hard. Crossbow trivializes a lot, Watergun seems broken, didn't do anything. Bossfight was easier then Helebard Guys.

Is the Demo supposed to be only in the one Square of the Island, or is your Map broken with showing me which Square I'm on?

The Darkness in Caves should fade out not so harshly, and having an Item to clear it like a Torch would be nice. Otherwise it seems to not serve a Purpose yet, just like the Day/Night Cycle.

I don't know if I like the Crafting all that much, it works, there's nothing wrong with it, but is it really needed? It makes more Sense then finding the Armor and Stuff just lying around like previously, but why not find Hawaiian appropriate Gear on Corpses, in Shrines, or get some from NPCs if you ever plan on adding any? Crossbow could be a Pirates Handgun, and Tribalwear instead of Crusader Armor obviously. Lean fully into the Hawaiian and sunken Cruiseship Ideas, not mix more into it.

I still like the Enemies with their black Monster Tentacles and Spikes and Things, they communicate clearly what they're doing and have a lot of Flair(?), so I'd say keep the clear Color variation, when/if you ever do a Graphical Overhaul.

If you block Water Access between Maps with Rocks, keep it consistent. At the Watergun Area and some other Places you can swim against invisible Walls, there should also be Rocks there. Maybe strong Currents like in your Rivers pushing you back in for a more natural Feel rather than big Walls of Rock? Some variation in Wall-depth would also be nice I think, currently a lot of Areas have very long straight Walls. 

Grass is nice, Attack Animation for clearing it felt a bit too slow, the overall Progression of having to upgrade Gear, or get appropriate Items to be able to clear a natural Blockade instead of just being able to walk everywhere like previously feels nice and rather non-intrusive. I wasn't guessing why I couldn't go anywhere at any Point really. 

When you walk behind a Tree, the whole Lines of Trees can disappear, which looks really buggy. Easily doable right near the Path to/from the first Camp somewhere.

Music is nice, but I fear it might get a bit overburdening if you have it constantly playing during long Playsessions or big Areas, depending on how big the World gets. Fade in/out between Tracks could be better, Camp to Overworld Track felt a bit harsh as it only happened after the Screenchange, not during. 

If you lock yourself with a Spike-dash Enemy just right you can push them into the next Room over, even tho they stop manually beforehand, I guess that is a Bug and Enemies are supposed to stay in their Cells?

No Idea what the Wax-Eye does.

UI needs as much an Overhaul as your other Graphics, if not more.

The Intro is nice and short, but it could have a little extra. Something showing you washing up to shore, or escaping the Ship. Just as an Idea, you could even potentially move the Tutorial onto the Ship prior to being sunk, to have a nice Seperation between Tutorial Area and Game Area, while also offering an easy Safe-space to try Stuff out there. 

You really need to get the Player started with Food first Thing, not so far into, if you die a few Times before getting the first Thing to eat, you have an incredibly rough Time getting to that Point. 

I initially thought this would support Controller, my mistake.

Camera was meant for moving it from above the Player to below the Player quickly. It should jump to show more of the Area below like it does, but it felt to drastic of a change to quickly.

I tested this on Windows when the Freeze occured. 

I think it's fine if Electric is weak to corrosion, but like with all Elements it should probably be explained/showcased somewhere.

I understand the qweasd instead of 1-6 better after playing for longer, with a brief slowdown instead of stopping, it might work better. It's mostly a Thing of getting used to I think, don't know how Players might be getting put off directly by it tho. (But it is lots better then the usual selection Wheel popup)

I ment the snipping Animation of your Shopkeeper.

If you generate diagonal Hallways, I'd probably prefer Diagonal Walls instead of the current jerkiness, yes. But that comes with level Design, if you adjust the overall Level generation, you might not need or generate Diagonal Walls at all, Hallways currently serve no purpose anyway, so if you generate more interesting Roomshapes then just Squares, and just connect them with as short as possible Halls for connection Purposes, you might circumvent the entire Problem. I wouldn't work on new Wall Elements right now probably, and put that off until you've finalized the Dungeon-creation, and then come back to it for a final polish.

As for Enemy/Element disassociation, I ment allowing Enemies to still have different Elements. So you don't have just balls of random Elements, but more Enemy options. Like a Jerboa spawning, but still color-coded for its Element. Potentiall skew Element variation in Favor of the Enemy, so some Enemies have a higher Chance of being of a specific Element, or no Element at all, maybe some Enemies that have fixed Elements, that then act according to that Element. Like if its an Electric Enemy, lean into the spreading of the Damage, if its a Biomatter Enemy, have it heal others etc.

As for Level Generation, more Roomshapes is a good Start, but you could do a lot more with it. Levels looping back on themselves with you passing by a locked Door to the Exit initially, and having to traverse the whole Thing to get the Key. There's lots of Options to improve Map generation.

Controller isn't registered.

Camera panning feels a bit to abrupt to me. Tutorial Level already clearly feels generated and a bit empty, especially the outside Walls between the Rooms are just a big flat Texture and do sometimes make up quite a bit of the Screen.

I like that you actually have to look at the Sign, instead of just hovering over it or being close. I don't like the swinging Animation, it feels weak.

Why is me falling into the Pit in the Tutorial returning me to the main Screen?

Second Time going through the Tutorial caused a few massive Freezes right when clearing the Path with Fire.

Once when Dying Camera quickly panned into nowhere, looked like a Bug.

No Idea whats effective against Purple Enemies, nothing seems to do bonus Damage, wasting Time standing still to change Alchemickals doesn't feel very good, why isn't this just tab to clear and 1-6 for chemicals or something, but bound to movekeys? I'd prefer left to melee, right to shoot, shift to self instead of only having access to 2 at a Time, and overall Melee doesn't feel like it's worth it, since you're almost always getting hit by Enemies when going close to them, or at least risking a lot for not enough of a Reward.

The Snipping animation is nice, but use some Particles I think.

You can freezelock Minibosses making their Fight trivial, Diagonal Hallways look horrid.

It gets a bit getting used to, but once you get used to the Controls for swapping Elements quickly, and I assume learning the Element Combinations and Weaknesses by Heart, it quickly becomes a no-thinker, so you can focus on Dodging and attacking, which is nice. It also doesn't take a long Time to get used to it.

Some Enhancements or Weapon Powerups felt a lot more useful then others, but I think you need more Playdata to know for sure which should be changed.

Level Generation on a more Macro Scale is too simple, I found myself very often backtracking to get the last remaining Room or find the Portal because I went in the wrong Direction initially. You could use more Loopbacks on other Rooms, more interesting Room Designs, more Props to make Rooms or Floors feel unique, Player attack Animations could feel better, mostly melee tho, and you only have 2 Enemy Types, suiciders and floating Balls shooting Lasers, you could use a lot more. Not only distinct Colors, but also potentially distinct Models and behaviors for different Elements. Or at least in some Instances, you could and probably still should seperate Elements from Enemies overall.

There's too little going on with the Environment. If you don't have dodge-through, you just get stuck on useless Crates taking forever to clear, if you have it, they just sit in the Way. Early on they're great as Cover, but that becomes less useful later on I feel, and you could do much more with it, creating Damage or Healing Zones for yourself or Enemies, or other Things I can't think of right now.

Why is your Quality Setting between 1 and 2+ changing the FoV?

I softlocked during the challenging Jump Thingy around the Pillars because the Checkpoint 21 checked me while I was still in Air above the Ground. Unplayable.

Atmospheric Sound is nice, Level Greybox in general is nice, I never really felt lost, it guided me well towards the next Area, Physics on the Spikes seems not very useful, just annoying once they hit the Ground , could just stay stuck there due to being Spikes. It felt odd being able to destroy Kelp from so far away, having some more Spiky Balls around them would be better I think. It could be more open, with multiple Paths and different Routes to take, but that might be later on, not in its current State of "Tutorial/Guiding through a Demo to showcase all there is".

Player Model could use a bit of work, it too feels greyboxed at the Moment. I see the Idea you're going for, but you'd need proper Textures, and a bit of an adjustment of the Model itself I think.

Movement Speed could be faster, I always sprinted, B to lean into the Pull seemed to just rotate me slightly backwards, no Idea what it's used for.

I generally like the Atmosphere, imagining how it'd look like if its no longer Greyboxed.

You could and probably should increase Air Control, decrease falling Speed and overall play with "Air" Physics, as you're underwater, not in Air, and it should feel like that. Maybe if you're going for some more Action Platformer with Upgrades kind of Thing, some small Paddle/short Swim as an later Player-Upgrade?

Are Fish attracted to me? It felt a few Times as tho they were cycling right on top of me, which is annoying. They shouldn't phase through Terrain, and should stay decently far away from the Player to serve as Distant Elements if they offer no Gameplay.

If I can rope and ride them, or if they swallow me if jumping/swimming too high, that could be an interesting Element for a few Levels/Areas maybe.

Generally I think this could have Potential, I like the Atmospher of being underwater quite a bit, but I don't really know where this is going right now, in Times I thought it could be an Action Platformer Darksouls, other Times it felt more linear and just like a regular Platformer. Some Story, NPCs, potentially a Coral-Reef-y Hub Area, Combat against other Bottom Dwellers and Fish, you have a lot of great Options there.

Controls were alright, a bit more Aircontrol maybe, and have it feel more like you're underwater, Ledge-grab might prove good. If you're aiming for any kind of Combat in this, I'd say you need some Form of backup on the Player in case they run out of Spears to throw in a really bad Situation with no Spears around to pick up, to prevent a lot of potential Softlocks/Resetpoints when Designing the World.

Needs more Crustacean Puns.

Update after playing it today:

When you load back into your Game, you have a brief Period where the HUD is visible before loading takes Place.

Controller does not work.

Logbook sub-menues should return to Logbook, not main Menu.

Mousewheel to scroll through Controls in Settings doesn't work. Despite being on Keyboard+Mouse, Swap Weapon is bound to Controller D-Pad.

Gameplay Tab is empty.

Throw Weapon does not work.

I found Artifical Wings 1, Hover Dash, Dropkick Piston, Kickslide, 12 Grenades and 400 Health, aswell as Security Pistol, Pulse Rifle and Shock Gun before finishing the Demo. Also fought 2 Bosses both of which seemed to easy. Hope that's all and I didn't miss anything major.

I think there could be a bit more Air control, I often found myself just slightly missing a Platform. And Dash could be on Ctrl by default, but I still think this should be played with some Form of Controller/Gamepad/Handheld, and you can rebind Controls anyway.

Zoom in/out on the Map could be nice, and I felt like it had a bit to little "finding myself back in a previous Position to no directly know where to go next" kind of Level build, but I never really was lost or had to backtrack through already cleared Areas apart from after finishing the Demo when I was tracking down the remaining Items.

I also found no Weapons before finishing the Demo, so if that's not intended, the Route should be reworked.

Saferooms take up way too much Room, they should just be a single Cell. Also felt like there were too many, but that might be because of DD. Same as with Boss difficulty.

All the Equipment hat at least its basic uses apart from Dropkick, Grenades having multiple uses is nice, wish other Equipment Options had that aswell, but it ofcourse doesn't make Sense for all.

You can extemely easily walljump up Walls with slight inclines like in Safe Rooms, and you can't traverse upwards into a different Room when the Ceiling is open, both of which felt not intentional and should probably be adressed.

Atmospheric it's pretty nice, but I wish it had more of a Story to it.

It's the Insect Metroidvania, nice. 

Feels very polished, but does not control so well with Keyboard+Mouse I think. Not that it controls bad, but it really feels like it wants to be on a Controller or Handheld. I don't exactly know how much Content there is yet, but I'm assuming quite a bit, so I'll play this Tomorrow with Controller. Remind me if I start posting before having played this in Case I forget.

What I noticed so far, you can jump up the High-Jump Tutorial with a normal Jump, Controls are not shown but feel Intuitive, I never had to guess what to press, the Atmosphere is really dense, which is nice, I don't know if this needs such a high Resolution tho, I think it might even look better with a bit lower Resolution, this isn't 240x160 right? If it is, discard my Resolution Talk. 

A bit more of a Story dump in the beginning would be nice, not much, just enough to show that there is something, instead of nothing like right now.

I played very little, until I got run over by the Train. This isn't the Game for me, it's to hectic, there's too much going on with the rotating Map, the flashy Colors, the Enemies and Effects and everything. I liked the Health being represented by the Hat falling off, I personally didn't really enjoy anything else, it felt mostly like a bullet Hell where I was just rotating my Bat constantly to take out Enemies. When a Gun dropped and  could shoot back, I just spammed shoot until I ran out of Bullets before swinging my Bat again, probably not at all how this is intended to be played, sorry.

Played it again after End of DD, nothing seems to have changed. 

Some additional Points I found:

Rotation of Ship seems to not be in it's Center.

You get some Gaps and z-fighting between the Cubes making up the Ship.

Unless I'm incredibly fast or too dumb to fly, the Cube disappears once behind the Camera and doesn't reappear.

The main Menu seems pretty polished already, but it feels more like a Handheld Menu then a PC one. Like if this was aimed at the Switch to be played while on the Train/Bus or something.

Resolution selection is non-existent, just an empty Field.

What's the difference between Start and New Game, and why is both there?

Your Graphics fit rather well together, and you really got a good Look for the Paperdoll 2D on Aggy.

Some Animations need a rework I think, walking should be more of a jog, and both walking and running need to lean forward more, currently it's too upright. 

Similarly, most of the jumping animations feel a bit too stiff, and you could have some better transitions between them. Ctrl+Jump should just do a single Rotation I think, not 3 or 4 or however many.

Ticket got Animation is nice, and it's nice that you have transition Animations, but walking to crouching slides too much I think.

Voice could use more Variation, you have pretty much a single Soundeffect for a single Action.

Sound Design other then the Voice is really nice, the Level obviously isn't, but you know it's just a showcase, so no Point in talking much about that. The Mechanics work, and in a properly Designed Level, a City or something I could really see this as a handheld 3D Platformer. 

Vending Machine, different Costumes, the cute Moped, that all works pretty well. 

I think Animations should get a bit of a Rework/Improvement, and you should think about if this is aimed at Handheld or at being played on Desktop and adjust accordingly, other then that from what I see it seems to mostly be missing Content.

There isn't much to do. Aiming is way off from where it actually shoots, Shift+A/D also changes Shoulder you look over, which is odd.

Projectiles seem to bounce off Enemies and other Stuff even if Damaging them? 

The Chain you summon extends way too far up I think, why? And why am I on a Halo-Ringworld? You also have incredibly high Gravity when not on Ground, to the Point where I almost instantly snapped back when falling from chain-end Height. Got up there riding the Top of an Enemy Ball.

Your Mecha has really thin Legs, could be thicker to support the Weight I think, especially if the Grid on the Back is supposed to later on carry Stuff. The Shader itself for Mecha and Chain could work, it depends on how it'd look in an actual Game with Textures on them and Stuff, instead of just on those single simple Models.

Your Mecha does not feel heavy to control at all. It doesn't need to feel building-shaking, that's stupid, especially for its size, but it should feel like a walking multi-ton Warmachine, not someone with a Backpack taking a Stroll. 

It's really early, so hard to give any Feedback on anything really, but most importantly improve the Feeling of the Mecha when controlling it to actually feel like a Mecha. Even if it's a small one, nothing wrong with that, but there should be enough Weight behind it to feel like it actually carries the Weapons, Ammo, Armor, Reactor and Pilot at minimum.

>You sit next to your favorite VTuber

I don't think this is a useful Line if you want People to identify themselves with the Character they're playing. 

>You're one comfie awoomfie

This also isn't a Line I'd put into anything.

Why are we both completely uninjured after a Plane crash, why am I a Dog?

Why is everything insinuating that Haru crashed the Plane because he felt like it, why is his first Thought after that he is Hungry?

So now Haru doesn't want to hurt the mean Condor, but crashing a Plane because he's a cool Demon works?

What's an awoomfie?

So far the only Person I completely understand is Robin being entirely distressed by whatever crazy Person Haru is.

So I'm a Dog who not only stores the Key from the Lumberjack in my Fur somehow, but also grabs the Axe? That makes absolutely no Sense.

Requests make no Sense, the writing makes no Sense. Suddenly in the Forest my VTuber disappeared and I guess become a Monster randomly walking around? The Forest Puzzle itself also makes no Sense. I know it's a classic Thing, but it needs a Way to solve it that isn't brute Force. Either hints on the Individual Maps where to go, a Way to find the Answer beforehand or anything.

Got cought by the Demon in the House when looking for Airplane Food, going to end this here. For an Adventure Horror Game you need a better and proper Story, if you're this Dialogue heavy, actual good Dialogue you can immerse yourself into, not me being a Dog that handles everything like a Human with my VTuber friend crashing a Plane on Purpose then turning into a Monster. 

Apart from the Story Aspect, your Window is too small, it causes the Font to get a lot of Artifacts on the Text making it needlessly hard to read. There is no clear Progression going on, it seems like random Events strung together.

This is probably not the Game for me. 

You have Blue Pixels on the Playersprite when showing the Screens for the first Time.

You are missing Walls on the Visuals of the Pathways between Rooms.

I played until the Screens, seems to be the End of the Demo?

I don't know what's supposed to be a murder Mystery in this, it feels more like a VN with walking, there's not really anything interesting going on. Some of the Dialogue is alright to read, but that's about it. 

Art is simple but alright, as long as you can see important Set Pieces later on, assuming there are some. If there are none, why have the walking and Stuff instead of just a VN style with the different Rooms to cycle between?

Not too fond of the Story myself if you can call it that, so far it has just been introducing the People and then it ended for me. 

Maybe it becomes interesting later on, it wasn't a slog to read through or boring or anything, there just hasn't happened anything to talk about really.

>But maybe I'm misunderstanding something.

I ment it didn't seem like I was getting closer to it when flying straight at it, not when rotating, that worked.

I figured as much, can't be changed then. Maybe for a 1.1 or something.

Good Luck with your Release, even with some Graphics lacking, it stil is a really enjoyable Game, from what I've played this DD so far, easily my favorite one.

>Sit tight and imagine the Morrowind installations screens

I'm  imagining. Music helps with that, it really needs some Lore Images and Texts and Stuff during loading. 

If you're not just generating Terrain, but also Lore and main Events etc. you could showcase a Year xx counter and display Images and Descriptions for what happen that Year for a few really big Events, like "Year 219: The giant Crab was finally slain", or whatever. (Update: You seem to have that in Place at the top left, please correct me if I'm wrong) I'm imagining a lot while waiting. While it is slow, the good Thing is, it's making me excited for playing, really needs that Polish.

...still Imagining, getting a bit less exciting.

I got 133 Villages but 0 Towns and Cities, also only 1 Camp. Are they not in the Game yet or did I just get rally unlucky?

Only Mysterious Stranger Background?

While I'm flying in Godmode to the Devilspire, Dungeons sometimes had massive Lag to the Point of unplayability inside them. Why is there so much Crafting, Gathering and Building, I don't think that's needed. Also the World has massive stretches of empty Terrain, you could easily cut the Size in 1/10th of the current without hindering Gameplay or let it fell less vast. Systems seem to be there yet, which is nice, I don't think I encountereed any Bugs, and it certainly feels like Devil Spire 2, as in the original but with additional Stuff. I wouldn't call this a Verticle Slice however. A Verticle Slice is a small Part of the Game done to absolute Finish, fully polished, with final Assets and every System used in that Area working correctly. Your's is kind of the Opposite, everything is there, everything seems to work as far as I can tell, but nothing is polished. 

First and Foremost, improve the Performance, generally on the overworld it handles fine, but in Dungeons or where there are huge Amounts of NPCs not so much.

Then focus on filling the World out properly, it shouldn't be this Empty. DS was rather tight and fine, DS is the opposite and I don't think that's so fine. You need a more interesting World generation, more Points of Interest to appear. UI, Sounds and Graphic need an overhaul. NPCs should have more interesting Routines instead of just walking idly around their Huts, but that reequires proper Props in the World for them to use.

Trying to ride a Horse was Funny. Quests are a bit unclear, I am to kill Rhuja, but there's no Information about Rhuja anywhere, not even when talking to NPCs. And I'm not going to wander 10km2 blindly looking for Rhuja.

Third Person Mode Camera doesn't carry over when entering or exiting Menues. Which need a pretty much full Redesign I think.

All in all it's mostly walking through empty Fields, or sometimes flying in Godmode since I got bored eventually, but the few Parts that are actual Gameplay do feel like DevilSpire2, and are engaging *IF* you envision what this would/could/should look like in the Future. 

Got Ending F, I assume that's bad. There was almost no visibility in the Spire, maybe because I didn't have Torches or anything, maybe just bad Lighting.

Needs work, some Systems I think are unecessary or need a bigger Change, generally it works, and the main Systems are nice to play. Has quite some Potential if done well.

There's nothing there. You can move your Space Ship around, I got immediately lost, Skybox seems not to move, but maybe it's just too far away. It also doesn't wrap properly. Couldn't view the Sourcecode, as Git denied me to. I can't really give Feedback on anything here, as there's nothing there. Not that I'd expect it to, considering 2 Days of Development Time with work etc. that's probably how far you'd get if doing it from Scratch. I don't want this to sound Rude, but I don't really know why this is in DD, if this is supposed to be going somewhere, maybe next DD would've been a better Date, so there's something there to test and give Feedback on. If this is not supposed to be going anywhere and you just wanted to try Raylib/WASM, that's nice, but doesn't mean it should be in DD. Sorry if this came off wrong.

Shoulder Slide does nothing.

Rename Breasts, Buttocks and Hips to Chest, Hips, Thighs respectively. More accurate to the Area they're affecting, also sounds less horny and stupid.

You can't close out of the Color Selector. There's no checkbox to match Eyebrow Color to Hair Color, same with Eyelashes.

You have some Form of bad looking Shader on your Hair, causing a horrid Black Blob when moving the Camera.

Attack Animations feel fluid, not sure if they're selfmade or Mixamo tho, I think I've seen them before. Not that that's necessarily a bad Thing, they fit. It feels a bit floaty when moving tho, especially when stopping, but I couldn't pinpoint any of it.

Hitscan seems to work, Crosshair would be nice, even if just a tiny dot for Interacting with Stuff, the Teddy was spooky, don't suddenly do that.

That's all there is I think.

There isn't really anything there yet to give Feedback on. Don't give up Dingodev, finish a Game for once.

Played for a bit over one Hour.

Prologue obviously is still Placeholder I hope, three Lines of big Text clicking next isn't very exciting, you could put a nice Intro Sequence before the Tutorial. Later in Development of course.

It feels very nice to play, Cleric wis cute. All in all the new Models look nice, but your Environments, overworld, town, Dungeon Interiors need work I think. You could - and I think you should - really clutter them and make them look interesting, like proper MMORPG Dungeons instead of just squared mostly empty Environments. Also makes Positioning just a bit more important if you can't just move to anywhere/see from anywhere in Combat. 

On Positioning, it's nice that you can command your Partymembers, but I think it'd be nice if they were more intelligent, rather then strictly standing in Place unless commanded. Ideally I'd like them to have an Intelligence Stat that determines how well they dodge AoE, when they take the Decision to move somewhere, if they cancel their casts to dodge based on their health or when they use certain Abilities. It'd really add to the Atmosphere if you could get a Ranger that constantly moves a tick between Autoattacks or after special Shots to get into a better Position, or a Mage who just stands still and spams a big Fire Explosion or something. Makes each individual Run a bit more unique if you don't really know from the beginning how each Partymember acts and have to adjust for that.

While not needed, it'd add to the immersion if you and partymembers could jump. Would also be helpful in allowing more interesting level Designs. It is pretty immersive anyway tho, I wrote this after playing instead of tabing out like usual.

Music is nice and non-intrusive while assisting the Game. I'm hoping for different Soundtracks based on which Dungeon-type you're in, wether its a Crypt, a Ruin, a Cave or whatever.

I think Stats are initially too high, I'd prefer it if you'd not start with 6000 Health, but maybe 60.

I don't quite understand why you automatically descend once the Timer runs out. I like it more then the previous Death Skeletons spawning, but I'd like it even more if you would just have to decide to either find the Exit quick for a Reward like it shows in the Text, or abandon the Reward in Favor of exploring the Dungeon throughout.

Cromwell was a nice Surprise having actual Boss Mechanics. I did not expect that. Overall, while in Essence still simple, it's nice that the Bosses have different Mechanics. This could be expanded to be more movement heavy tho, but that'd require more intelligent Allies. With just the three Movement Commands I have available, dodging the giant AoE feels  a bit dumb, with forcing my Ranged Allies to walk towards me into the AoE while I walk out. 

With the longer Dungeons and more Bosses ( at least I think they're longer) it makes more Sense to start each one back at level 0 then at previous Demoday. I'm assuming Dungeons later on will potentially become longer aswell. 

Sadly there was only one Dungeontype to play in the Demo. I would've liked to keep going.

Different Healers starting with different Spells immediately feel different to play, and not having a full Choice which one and which Spells you get, makes it more interesting in each individual Run. 

I did not get enough Coins to upgrad anything in the Barracks, its really expensive compared to everything else, but seems pretty strong, so I understand that it has to be more expensive. 

Minimap is barely visible against the Dark floors, dark Fog in the Distance, consider making it light instead. Level being at the Top right, aswell as healing on overlap instead of click took some adjustments, but at least the healing Thing makes Sense I think. What would be really great, but really optional would be to allow the Player to customize their HUD to their liking.

One Time Camera rolled into a rather bad Position, no Idea what caused it, maybe trying to look straight down by accident. One Time I thought I was lvl15 but then leveled to lvl14, no Idea if that was a Bug or I misread 13 for 15 tho. 

I think the biggest Thing this Game needs at the Moment is an overall Story, with a proper Intro etc, and a Graphical Overhaul for the Environments. A more interesting looking City, less Square Dungeons, a more interesting Overworld, better Graphics for the UI Elements. You have some sliding on the Floor which should be fixed, and pretty much all casting has the same Animation, most of the Spells look rather similar on their Particle Effects aswell. I think you could go the Extra Mile on both of those to make it that bit more interesting to look at.

As for Gameplay, a bit of precast Time to immediately cast upon ending the previous one could go a long Way I think, and you need better NPC-AI I'd say. Also Party Layout in front/back Lines doesn't seem to always carry over between Stages/After Death, I had to readjust this a bit to often. 

Then ofcourse more Enemy variety instead of just different Colored and Sized Skeletons. Not necessarily on their Abilities, those seem to be varied enough, and you have a quite alright Cast of Heroes and a Ton of Spells already, but in their visual Design.

It felt rather bad when rolling a Party of 1 medium and all heavy Armor otherwise and dropping a ton of great light Armor Pieces. This was when I only had 1 Option to take for each Tank/DD/Healer so I didn't really have a Choice to optimize that. Maybe only drop Stuff that can actually be equipped by your Partymembers, or decrease the Chance for other Stuff to drop or something. But that's just a maybe, as soon as you unlock 1-2 extra Options in Group Select this becomes a non-issue I think.

At some Times I was about to think that this is too hard, but it always just ended in a really clutch Fight, or me just not understanding the Boss Mechanic correctly, not having a proper Spell for it, or not preparing with Potions etc. properly, so I'd say Balancing is pretty good overall at the Moment.

Was Fun, great Game.

I last played this Game over 200 Days ago. Since then, the second Level has disappeared from the Testable Stuff, and the Voice Acting is new if I recall correctly.

That's it, in 200 Days you removed a Level and added Voice Acting? On that Note, the Voice Acting isn't good, the Lines are poorly written, and read without any real Meaning and Emotion behind them.

Sure, you might've added more Levels after the Forest, but since those aren't playable, I can't give Feedback on them, and it just looks like you did nothing in over half a Year working on this. If you want more Feedback, look at my last Comment, nothing has been changed and/or fixed since then. Even the obvious Bugs are still there, like getting stuck on Walls, or toggling Combat Mode with Exploration Mode Camera when taking Falldamage.

No worries, you don't have to rush into trying to make it look pretty, focus on the good Gameplay and Leveldesign first. You can still focus on making pretty Tanks then.

Got no Virus Warning like the others, so I guess I'm now infected?

Ran around the Map a bit, and got lost in the Labyrinth. It's not a final Map, it's a showcase of the current Features, why do you need an empty Labyrinth in there? Just make it a straight Room to Room Thing, and feed the Informations one after the other, not all at once.

There isn't much to say there, as there isn't much in the Game yet. Systems seemed to work, hitting Enemies felt a bit tricky, the long wait until you're allowed to do an Attack didn't particularly help. I understand wanting to prevent spamming attack, but consider increasing Attack Animation Timings for that or something instead of having an arbitrary Timer.

If you equip 2 Weapons, you still only can use One with how the Ability System is setup. Also at least for me the Mousewheel scrolled through Abilities in the wrong Direction.

Not really much else, but it's a start.

Played until the End of the Demo, altho after the first Boss it just turned into me standing there and shooting Enemies essentially.

I don't know why this is on Early Access, this is not Early Access ready. 

You have Empty Levels, Empty UI and Menues, Music is way too loud, pretty much all Models are Placeholders still.

There are no Bugs, which is a Positive. No Idea why I can't walk during attacking, if you're afraid it'd make the Game to easy, up the speed, other Stats and Intelligence of the Enemies. Some of the Props you spawn in your otherwise empty and Flat Levels have Collision when they feel like they shouldn't, I got stuck on some Floor Panels I should be able to easily walk over.

Overall the Player Controls feel too slow and static compared to the Type of Game I think this wants to be.

Only some Enemies have Healthbars, Drones and similar don't have anything. Scrolling on the Level Select Screen is atrociously slow.

In every Menu you have a huge Amount of Screenspace just black, if this isn't designed for mobile first, consider a different Layout, or filling these Parts with something interesting. 

(1 edit)

Either your Tanks Rotation isn't centered or the Camera isn't. Either Way it feels a tiny bit off when trying to turn in Spot. But it leaves Trackmarks(?) which is nice. Could be more pronounced tho.

Very nice feeling Tank handling otherwise, apart from Turning. Acceleration, and especially breaking feels nice, but Tracks should stop immediately when breaking. Not the Tank moving, just the visuals of the Track I mean.

I think it could accelerate a bit slower, it doesn't feel as heavy as it looks, but I guess those Properties are adjustable based on selected Tank and Equipment. 

When stopping, reversing, rotating or otherwise starting to move slowly on slopes you slide down heavily, you should mostly stay in Place I think, a Tank is pretty heavy. Also once you reverse a tiny bit and start sliding, you can't get enough Power to move back up the Ramp until you've gone all the Way down.

"Kill yourself to end the Tutorial" is just Rude.

The stepup from the 47 to 90mm is ridiculous. Also the Tank feels incredibly light with just a 90mm Cannon on Top, it shouldn't have that giant amount of Recoil I think. Railgun feels very weak. But maybe I'm just to bad at actually hitting anything.

This needs quite a bit of Overhaul on the Maps and the Graphics, but you know that, and obviously it's not at that Stage at the Moment.

Tank should feel heavier I think, Controls work fine apart from C to freelook, as it takes away your Ability to see where you're aiming, I think I used most if not all of them and wasn't really looking for anything, but I think Controller probably plays a lot nicer then Keyboard and Mouse. 

Repairing is slow and vulnerable, but I think that makes Sense, so you don't just spam it in the middle of Combat, but after a single Engagement, retreat somewhere to repair yourself in longer Missions. Would require Missions to be better structured tho, with multiple smaller Engagement instead of all just coming at once, but that's probably still to come as with the Graphical overhaul on everything.  Could also use a nice Animation of your Crew hitting your Tank with Hammers or something, put that in the same Category as Graphics etc.

Overall pretty Fun, but still very much feels and looks like a Prototype, altho a rather far along one.

*Edit: Forgot to Mention the Flamethrower throws small Balls at a slow Intervall, not Flames. Reduce Damage by 10x, increase Rate of Fire by 10x, so it feels more like a Stream of Fire rather then individual Bullets.


Maybe a Teaser for next Years v/3.

Sorry to hear that.

I'm assuming most of the Stuff with finding Tiana, interacting with the Fairy etc. is or would be explained in some Form of Tutorial then, which either isn't in, or I missed/forgot about, due to just loading an old safe instead of starting over again. Sorry.

Didn't realize that you added some new NPC(s?), but found at least one while searching for Tiana, nice. Hope Fredericks research your Towns performance Issues, at this Point at least for me its the single biggest Issue. There is a Ton of rather small pretty high Polycount Meshes scattered around repeatedly, like these Logs, which could be merged into a single much lower Poly version, which might contribute to it.

It may also be a multitude of transparent Windows being rendered behind each other when looking through the Town, since basically every Window has Transparency in it. Also looking through the Center, you can easily line up the Transparent Water with both sides of the Glas Planes for the Central underwater Bar. Both of these are Details I don't think matter too much, and could be reduced or removed, you have Grids on your Windows anyway to make it clear that its a Window, you could just leave the Glass out entirely, at least on the smaller Ones, not on the big full Panels obviously, and merging these Woodstacks or similar Things wouldn't alter any Looks I think. On the Other Hand, you could use that Detail on just building out the Town with Furniture properly.

NPCs should have a bit more of a strict Daily Routine I think. It makes Sense for them to look for their Needs, but it should priority or restrict them to i.e. their own Bed instead of any, or a specific Area to work in, etc. Maybe Someone always goes for a walk on the Town walls in the Evening, maybe a few can be met each Saturday in the general Store refreshing Groceries? Just build in some forced Habits to make it easier to find certain NPCs, I spent over 1h running in circles through the Town and every building trying to find Tiana.

The Fairy Queen Stuff is nice. I firstly noticed the moving Mouths there, nice touch. While I did spent a long Time searching for it, and I am assuming its as a Placeholder for now, I think it'd make more Sense for her to not just wander around Town, but appear on certain Nights/at certain Locations, or generally more wandering outside Town somewhere first. While very Short, it really is nice for a Quest. Could use a bit more proper introduction, and some Fairy Tutorial afterwards, but gives a nice Idea on how the Game could look later, once proper Quests and Things to do are added in. It's really something that's been missing. Also Fairy Animations are cute, I was very pleasantly surprised at her flying up to the Screen when I tabbed out to write this.

After getting some more failed Dictionaries on autosave, I remembered to look at the Help screen recommending some Graphic Options. Turns out a big Issue comes from the Grass in the Town . It's the only one that gets LODed into Planes, and does a lot for Performance, a lot. I'm suggesting to look into that Grass. Also it LODs really terribly in some Areas, which wouldn't be an issue unless you turn down Graphics to minimum and jump onto the Roofs with your Fairy. As that's really the only Place its as visible.

As far as I can tell, new Movement restricts to wall running, wall juming, wall sliding, and with the fairy multijump. I don't know if the Fairy actually does something other then multijump and emote, I'd prefer it if it helped in some other Areas and interact with its environment a bit more, but maybe that's coming. I did not find any use for the Parkouring, apart from climbing up to the Roofs of the City, and I don't think any of that really added anything to the Game. Slding down the Walls, and maybe grabbing the Top and pulling yourself up (wich isn't in the Game as far as I know) when you're near a Ledge would be fine I think, but running along them and jumping off of them just feels like it'd belong in a different kind of Game.

The Fairy Wings dissappear under Water.

I think, apart from the Performance Issue, the biggest Things to do first would still be filling out the Town, which as far as I know is at least beginning a bit, with some new NPCs, adding more Dialogue and better Quests for NPCs, which is showcased with the Fairy Queen already I'm assuming, improving the UI on most Things, and replacing the Gathering Cart with proper Actions to chop Trees for Wood, or Stuff like that. The Fishing was a Step in the right Direction there, and I'm assuming the Rest is going to follow eventually aswell.

If its mostly about Rocks and Trees, then that's what I can mostly complain about. I didn't look for a changelog or anything, and it's been a long while since I played, so no Idea if you're looking for Feedback on some other Areas, sorry. ( if you do, just let me know and I'll give it a try this Evening).

I'll also go and try out the Fairy later.

Played for roughly 1h, I didn't really find anything new Gameplay wise to try out. Glad to see you haven't given up.

The new Town "lineart" felt a bit too stark in the beginning, but I got used to it rather quickly. It's really nice that you have some defiinition to your Shapes through that, and that you have some new Signs around Town, makes finding your Way a lot lot easier.

I don't know if you changed anything with the furthest Tree Lods on the low Areas, but I think they look better then last Time I played. The ones on the top Floors don't tho. You also have some Pink showing when looking at the topmost Tree above Town from below, probably some missing Transparency on the Lod of the Fences there. Could also be the Flowers being visible from the Bottom, but either Way it looks buggy, even if it isn't. If its the Flowers, consider sinking the Terrain in very slightly, so they aren't as visible from below. Or give them a LOD for far away that hides the Purple.

At least when nearly fully maxed on Nutrients sleeping for 8 hours restores my entire Stamina. Still feels too unforgiving at lower Nutrients tho.

Overall the Game feels lighter in visuals, but I don't know if thats just from not having played for a long Time.

Ocean Floor is still empty, Town is still missing a lot of movement, NPCs, Pets, or something, and especially small Doodads around to make it feel more alive. Some Stuff like the Rocks outside of Town could also be placed better.

There are some big Trees in the Distance I want to go but couldn't, shame.

When looking at the Bamboo Forest from below right at the Cliff Corner, you can get the LODs to very visibly pop, due to having vastly different Heights/Starting further towards you on higher Distance LODs.

The Cliff itself also still is to flat and repetitive I think, it could use some big Rocks at the Bottom, some Shape to itself.

The Big Rocks, big Trees and Birches(?) look different from the Town textures, a lot more color variations and depth to them, would like to see that on your Wood Beams, Plastered Walls, etc.

I got quite a bit of Lag throughout playing, but thats very likely on me, my PC didn't survive the Move all to well, frequently crashing on its own, so don't assume its from your Game. Just something to maybe keep in mind.

One Big Source of additional Lag however was whenever the Town was mostly in View. When I looked towards Cliffs or Away from Town it was fine, so something in there is rendering really slowly I'm assuming.

The Street Lights don't really look like they're lighting anything at Night. Making Night overall darker, giving them a bigger Radius and some actual Light, alongside some Moths or something in the warmer Times of Year could add a lot to the Towns Night-Time Atmosphere.

Noticed your big Clock is actually working, nice.

Horizon could blend in more with the Ocean I think. It looks like a bit too stark of a Contrast. Some fake long Distance Fog maybe.

Town Architekture looks a bit all over the Place. You have Armaments on the Walls, clearly ment for Protection, but then connect that seamlessly with smooth walkway Ramps to some Parks, either with Pillars and Dragonheads on Smooth Rock Pavillons, more modern looking Arches, Wood, Iron and Stone Fences all over the Place, nice dark mustered Walls on the Canals, and the Top of them, which then don't have a Top, but just the generic Cobblestone from all the other Areas. Should have a bit of a Trim I think.

You have some Exceptions in your Bug Report, one with Adams Weapons or something, with no further Information, and a few with your Autosave failng to find a Key in your Dictionary. Maybe because I just loaded my old Save.

Music dampening when entering Water feels too harsh, maybe just a quarter or half second Transition Time instead of instant.

I stil think a bunch of Stuff on the Cooking, Farming etc. UI could be improved or put into additional Information for if you really care about it, instead of just wanting to quickly cook up some Eggs or something.

I just had 1 talenpoint, it jsut didn't get removed on spending.

Lock-on just didn't activate on any button Input I tried.

Rest seems to be mostly just based on the early Stage of the Game then.

Trailer should've been sent to someone from your show via catbox through the Thread already.

Please let me know if this isn't the case, then I'll figure out a different Way.

Played for roughly 1.5h

As a RTS this is inherently menu heavy, don't know why you're making the Menu a Part of the Map.

I don't think its useful to name the Stuff Lifeblood, Magnetism, whatever, just name it damage, health and so on. Clarity is pretty important here. Also the Summoning Cycles are really slow, I kept waiting on new Units to spawn most of the Time instead of doing anything.

Seems to be bugfree from the short Time I played, map generation isn't very nice tho, either use premade Maps or generate better ones. There isn't really any Strategy, I'm just waiting for Units to cap, then sending them over to wherever to do as much Damage as possible until they die. 

I don't like that the Summining Circles are just there, at fixed Locations and kind of bound into the same Bonus Values etc. for each Area they spawned in. So if I need 1 Archer and 2 Knight Productions, I can set them up that Way, but I'd still have bonus health for all of them, instead of only the Knights. Unless I split that into the 2 Covens, but then I'd have 4 Knights and 3 Archers i.e. instead of 5/2 split if I wanted that. Also that only Works if I happen to get 2 Areas with Knigth/Archer Covens, if I get one with Bacteria/Dolls I'm forced to basically waste production and Time on getting those, even if I don't want to.

Hotkey binding works well.

Got a Loading Units: 17 in the Middle of the Map for whatever Reason, and apparently the Map expanded then?

Dropships can load more then they hold onto them, but it just gets lost in the Warp somewhere.

It does not get cleared from your Unitlimit however, so I'm no permanently a bunch of maximum Units short.

Since Dropships, Robots, Bacteria and Dolls are useless, from my 3 Coven-Areas, only the first one with Knights and Robotarchers is actually useful. Great.

I don't understand why the building Selection is also random, and not matches the Stats needed by the Units in that Area, or why their Size is random. 

Also everything you use is on a Square Grid, so why did you decide to put it onto a Hex one?

Sometimes Circles apparently also produce random Units I didn't select to. I set all on Teddybears and RobotArchers, and I'm still getting Knights and Healers.

Units don't move in any Form of Formation or Coherency, so my Archers always rush forward to die, before any of the Teddies reach the Enemy.

Apparently all the Units I had lost in the Transporter appeared somewhere in the Corner after a while, so I send them to their Doom to make Room again.

the Yellow Mechas do not fire, regardless of if I just let them stay somewhere in the Hopes of enemies getting close neough, or move them, or attack move them or whatever.

So the Mecha/Dropship Combination is completely Pointless.

Why do I have to search invisible Dinosaurs in Fog of War in order to be able to attack the Enemy?

Great, I now have a Production of Stealth Dinosaurs which can produce nothing, because there are some on the World somewhere, that are apparently considered mine, which I can not see but which still attack me.

So my own Units are preventing me from producing more and killing my other Units.

Also I can "deplete" Witch Covens, but no Idea what it does.

Apparently I lost because when moving my Witch King, an invisible Dinosaur somewhere on the Map decided to attack them. My invisible Dinosaur I should add, since it was still preventing me from getting Pirate Ships.

It lacks a clear Goal, or a clear Art Direction. Pathfinding is wonky at best, Gameplay wants to be an RTS but turns into a "wait until you eventually overrun a Place, then move on to the next hoping no Bugs cost you the Game" kind of reverse Tower Defense with endless Units.

For some Reason everybody wants to go into that Corner Shop. I guess I have to make that a Thing now.

Thank you for playing.

Played roughly 50m.

Got a few Runs in, its Fun. The new Options are nice, that it's finally explained what the Symbols mean is nice, that I had no Idea what a Bridge was, and was assuming it was just automatic healing is not nice. 

Gun Mods are fun, I wish there were a few more of them appearing.

While I usually died before running into Ammo problems, I'm thinking it'll probably still happen later on, I got low pretty often.

I don't particularly like, that when I choose to upgrade, I loose the Runes before seeing what the upgrades are, so when I don't like any of them, I can't really go back. I also never had enough Runes to reroll anything, since I already spent them on unlocking being able to choose an upgrade.

I like the new Sprites, the Mummies especially are cute.

The Portal from the Hub shouldn't take so long to activate I think, I often just waited around for it to activate.

I like the Idea of the Hub itself tho, to select new Characters, potentially change starting loadout or various Relics to alter the Runs or whatever.

If I wasn't so bad, I could see this as a Game where you just do a run in the Evening when you don't know what else to do or are waiting for something. Since I'm so bad, that's not happening, but it still is addicting, and has me thinking that I could do one more after I died, because it's always pretty clear that it's because I'm bad, not because of some unfair Thing the Game throws at me.

>Would you have any Idea on how to fix this?

Better Mipmaps? Potentially handdrawn. Sorry I can't be more helpful, just try out a few different approaches I think.

lgdg.exe takes forever to download, only for the download to stop and tell me the data is not available on the Server.

So this is "literally" unplayable.

Sorry that it wasn't all that useful, there wasn't really all that much for me to give Feedback about.

I didn't encounter any Bugs, or anything not working properly, I obviously can't comment on the balancing, but the Abilities and the bit I saw of the Combat itself seemed to be alright. Which is basically how it went for all of the Game, it felt alright, it worked and wasn't broken, I just don't think RPGM was necessarily the best Choice for this Game or rather the other Way around, the Game itself is fine, just not the right Choice of Game for RPGM. 

Consider this less of a rant against your Game, and more against RPGM.

Played for roughly 30m.

Nice Main Menu Music. Still cute Goblin Placeholders.

Played until Baby Steps+ or ++, it got confusing with the Upgrades, then lost due to getting stuck in Slime. It's repetitve, so I stopped there.

The Music is fun, and with the new automatic speed Symbols dashing you forward when entering them, and some of the more horizontal Rooms in the beginning made it a lot more Fun then previous DDs.

Still, I think this has too many Abilities and Stuff, swapping between them slows you down, having to crouch for jumping high slows you down, not always autorunning slows you down, and this feels a lot better when you just run full speed ahead, only utilizing multijump and dashing. This means however, that your accurace plummets, so bigger Mushrooms and Things would feel better then I think. 

I don't know what to make out of the whole Action Point System to be able to go specific Places, when I wanted to go to the Reception, I had to reroll out all my Action Points and were unable to go there in the End. 

Some Rooms, especially the ones with small Pits in the middle, or that lead back on themselves work a lot better then the Rooms where you have to crouch into small Entrances, or jump across big Pools of Slime having to backtrack massively if you miss one jump in the middle. Crates for Time and Mana should respawn after a while I think, if you mess up your first try for a Room and use some Crates during it (or throw them against the Wall out of Frustration) you don't get them back, making it even harder on the next Try.

When you run through your Dungeons yourself, do you find you keep cycling between your different Jumping Abilities, and crouchjumping a lot, not dashing everywhere and so on? Because all of this feels rather bad, compared to just running through it with a simple set of jump, air-jump, dash. Maybe turning crouch into more of a slide, so you can get under some Objects, instead of having to crouch through long Tunnels.