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A member registered Mar 27, 2020 · View creator page →

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Also, the final challenge was a really nice way to top off the whole thing.

This was really nice, i love the tilted canvas and overall vibe this game has, the levels being quick and to the point is great, the music is really nice, genuinely awesome experience.

Really sick game, i like the visual style, the movement is nice but a bit confusing to learn the boost thing in the hub, took me half an hour to figure it out. The upgrades are a really good for the theme, but my only problem with them is that there's more than one that makes dying easier but only one that gives you a health benefit (the revive). The music is fantastic, and I hope you succeed in developing the game further.

I tried to record a video of my gameplay because i thought it'd be good to show the game from my perspective but sadly it freezes up after the first 20ish minutes.

Here it is if you think it still may be of use to you (warning: most of it is me trying to do the movement thing in the hub and my friends messing around in a call)

Very quality horizontal scroller,  the boss designs were really cool with some amazing art, huge props for that, especially on the second one. The shots the little enemies  fire at you are kinda hard to read despite them flashing, and it was a little hard to read where the ship hitbox was. But overall great experience.

Extremely fun and tight mechanically, the dodging and switching between kicks and punches reminds me of God Hand. If there's one main bit of critique its that the fireball parrying feels a bit inconsistent, possibly because the perspective? But really great overall.

The visuals and music are really good, wish you had the time to finish the gameplay, looks really promising if you were to pursue the project further.


The main gameplay loop of chaining enemy punches together is pretty good, even without any polish i can see what its meant to be. 

Obviously an options menu would be nice but my main problem is the movement feeling a bit rough, the jumping feels too floaty, which is fine to glide across the stage but makes going anywhere quickly feel weird, along with not being able to carry momentum out of the dash it just kinda feels weird.

Really liked this, the whole style really gets me with the little diorama animations and the vn-esque portraits. The answers were pretty well phrased, never ended up particularly confused with the answers or why some where wrong. Interested to see where this goes.

Fun puzzles, love those little eating guys.

Really cool interpretation of the theme, being scared of the spiders making it so you cant shoot is really cool, though not having any background textures made it really hard to judge distances, and a bit more gameplay variation would have been better.

Really cool, the visuals are very nice and establish a cool atmosphere, the steal mechanics are also very neat, the levels were a bit tricky to figure out but really cool overall.

Cool puzzles, some of them were real head scratchers, had to use the  level select code on level 7 to go try out the rest of them.

Out of all the endless games in the jam this is definitely my favorite, the unique mix of racking up combos and reflecting to the correct color makes a neat gameplay loop.

Cool game, mitigating the influence of the red while maximizing the blue is a neat challenge, the hard difficulty was an intresting puzzle.

Very neat, I like the interpretation of the limitation.

Neat movement mechanics, some of the puzzles were a bit odd, and the controls were fairly confusing, but i enjoyed the concept and getting a hang of the movement was neat.

Very neat mechanics, a bit rough on the way it controls though, overall it was really fun messing around with the eraser gun and shotgun jumping.

Interesting twist on arkanoid/breakout style gameplay, the upgrading really lets you go all out on the bricks.

Really neat, I really like the jumping mechanics, it leads to this really satisfying loop of jumps, with the releasing in air to encourage a bit of precision.

Very simple puzzle concepts executed well, some of the puzzles were a little confusing but I enjoyed it.

Very simple but addicting  game

Neat, I really like the dialogue, the combat was a bit tedious with needing to time the shots, i found my self just mashing the click just to get it over with most of the time, I also think the checkpoints could be a bit more lenient, but the game was very charming overall.

Very fun, the concept is really simple but leads to alot of intense moments of reflecting in tight spots to cover smaller spots, though the level variation was low, going through on a higher difficulty really helped experience more of the mechanics.

Very cool, the controls were a bit hard to get a hang of, but after that i found it very cool weaving around my own actions, it also gets harder than I expected with the walls closing in. The fact that its meant for a little console is also cool but I don't have a raspberry pi on hand at the moment lol.

Mechanically very neat, after getting the hang of the controls (which i thought were a bit odd, i think the rotation would be better suited for q and e instead of z and x) but after that it was quite cool weaving around puddles and maneuvering the mop.

Extremely cool, with the simple concept I was originally not expecting anything too interesting, but with the visuals it became a very chaotic experience, the music was also very nice.

Neat game, the puzzles were a bit frustrating at times with needing to restart when touching the dark cube, but the concept overall is very cool, the music was also nice.

Very neat, I thought the main loop of discovering parts of the map, losing time, resetting and rushing back to the last piece of progress was really fun, with a bigger map, this fusion of memory and light puzzle solving could get expanded upon in  a really cool way. Overall a very neat game.

Very cool use of the limitation, the movement was pretty floaty but i think it sort of worked in the games favor, with the emphasis on finding different paths through the levels it helped get a way with some of the more out of the way collectibles

Extremely cool and well thought out, the way you hint at the true ending early on by getting the player to bump their head on something seemingly invisible is very cool, though the little puzzle sections were slightly repetitive, i still found it very neat to encourage scanning around the screen looking for secrets.

I really like the use of the limitation, especially since its in a wave shooter, where you're always in the same arena, really makes you think more about how much you're shooting and where you're shooting.

Very cool, took me a bit to grasp the redirecting but it ended up having this neat flow to it once i got it, also very visually nice with the use of colors.

The level design here was on point, the way everything was iterated on over the course of the game really felt like a natural extension of the base movement, also that tutorial was really good.

The endless looping dungeon is really cool, with it changing when you get out of view of it really capturing the feeling of getting lost somewhere. The gameplay wasn't the most stimulating thing but I assume that wasn't the goal.

Love the main mechanic, even though it took a bit to get used to, some of the solutions really got me thinking.


Hey, thanks for giving it another shot, I'll keep that note about the difficulty in mind, I had already thought the big slope section was a bit too short, but also that making it any harder would turn into a slippery slope of difficulty (pun not intended.) 

With just the demo, I can tell this is going to be a fantastic game.

The only thing I could see as a problem is making what objective you have to do a bit more clear, and I think that's probably my fault for not checking the tab next to the console every level.

Yeah the game is 100% going for the Jump King/Getting-Over-It type feel.

With the first 4 rooms I was going for something super simple, but easy to mess up, where by the time you make it to the top of that section. you've fallen enough that you're disciplined enough in the mechanics to continue onward.

Thank you for mentioning the thing with the back button in the option menu, have no idea why I didn't think of that lol, also your critiques weren't that harsh, I've been shit on way worse before.